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When She Said She Is In Love

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Her eyes blinking with red color and tears are running on her face i asked her if one of her parents died or if she lost a good friend in her life but signs were telling me the story is totally different here. She finally decided to talk to me and tell me how much she loves this guy and how much she misses him each day. Well, i kinda know the guy but he is not paying that attention to her although he shares the same feelings as LOVE but no he doesn't cry like her. She is crying coz she just remembered how they met and felt how lucky she is to meet with such great guy. She dropped out of the school and when i asked why she said she cannot concentrate on the studies once he comes into her mind.


I tried to show this from a different angle and convince her not to be that crazy coz things can be different in the near future but the look she gave me was telling me not to even think like that. I had no option but to step back and nod my head for confirmation each time she talks about him and what she described as the successful and best relationship. You mention his name and she is almost jumping at you for a hug or something, that is why i don't even want to talk about him but she can't talk about anything else. He must be in every story or issue. Say about food, and she will tell you the dinner he made for her, or the day they had the best lunch at that restaurant. Talk about cars, and she will tell you what kind of cars he prefer and how they are planning to buy a one. Talk about politics and she will tell you his views and which political party he supports. Talk about death and graves and she will jump at you telling you how he felt when his grandma died 2 years ago. Go even far and talk about the Qiyaamah and she will tell you the Muxaadara he gave her as a gift and how he fears Allah and even how much they are willing to go to Jannah together.


Few months passed and there she was sitting in her balcony crying as usual. Avoiding to know why coz i already know the reason i started my usual chitchat but this time she was totally different. His name was not there and when i asked how is he she was avoiding to answer and telling me MOOJIDIISA. I understood something is really wrong but didn't want to go into the private issues.


She then started to talk about LOVE and how much fake it is. I was wondering what brought her into that and went closer to listen even more. She said he dumped her and left her for another girl. She denied the existence of Love and she is it is all lie and fake to seduce the little girls. She hated the word and didn't want to fall in LOVE again ever. I said he is only one but there are millions better than him out there, she shouldn't loose hope but she gave me the same look she used to give me and told me to back off. She even said she HATES men, all men and she wishes Allah to burn them all in hell.


Few other months left and each time i see her she is the same person hating all men and believing that LOVE is just a fake title.


One good Friday, she was sitting in front of her house, her hands on her cheeks and looking down to the floor. I noticed there is something bothering her. I said "Hello" and she looked up at me, She is crying again. I thought she still have those painful memories and said "Look, you have to forget this, that is the past and look at your future, you can go back to school and start where you left" ,,, She said no.




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Yes, this is the routine they all go through. I can see the girl was more in love than the man. It is in those cases of unbalanced feelings that you see such heart breaks.


Good summary of teen love.

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For all I know love can make islaan qudrada iibisa as well as CL with her big Mascara cry. But, the change of opinion on Love looks like she is young. Binti's 'haddaan nin danbe u baroorto'.....

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Cliché. This sh1t is similar to the sh1t that was depicted in ‘He's Just Not That Into You’ and frankly it’s somewhat outdated.


p.s You must have lost your mind to think that. @ AT&T.

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I have lost my mind when you run away to the uncaring and abusive old man; not bothering to explore what is there in the man who kept on knocking on the door despite several setbacks. Not today! :D:D

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Malika, wot do you mean spring around the corner, ma waxad leedahay dad badan ayaa seeftooda bannaanka taalo :D



Dadkii miyaa la wada sitaa!!!

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loooooooool@Ngonge ,, don't u know islaamaha khudrada iibiya fall in love more than the teens ? coz they've got the experience ,,, hehehe


A&T, That is kinds teens love but believe me the grown up people also behave like that when it comes to love. Qalbi caruur weeyaan dadku ,,,

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