
Axmed Madoobe “Haddii Farmaajo iyo Kheyre aysan ilaah ka cabsaneyn hal mid ha ka baqaan

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Not a fan of this Madoobe idiot, but a new kind of civil unrest fueled by two guys with Qatari money is coming. Why are they doing it?  They are obsessed with staying in power. Will they last? History tells us, NO.

It is a waste of valuable time, money and resources.



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3 hours ago, Holac said:

Not a fan of this Madoobe idiot, but a new kind of civil unrest fueled by two guys with Qatari money is coming. Why are they doing it?  They are obsessed with staying in power. Will they last? History tells us, NO.

It is a waste of valuable time, money and resources.



19th century all over again. At least those days the traditional methods worked. Now no traditional method, but traditional people. Unfortunately for one group Kenya is not like Uganda, it has vested interest in every thing that happens in that neighborhood. Uganda, Eritrea...are just either individual dictator interest or being messengers of someone else.

This seesaw can only improve if the sides asked help to solve or reconcile by Djibouti, Somaliland elders, professors.chaired some conference in center of country.

The question is nobody will finance such a thing.



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Waxaa jirta qisa xigmad badan oo laga hayo geel jire soomaaliyeed oo mag loosoo doontay

Geeliisa iyo wiilashiisoo badan darteed bay la adkaatay inuu bixiyo qaalin geella

Wuxuuna ku jawaabay qaalin geella macno ilama laha balse sumadda aan ku dhigtay yaa ka leefi doona.

Waana ninka aakhirkii loo yimid asagoo duqoobay oo geed hoostiis maradiisa barkaday, wiilashiina ka dhinteen geeliina laga dhacay oo lagu yiri maanta bal warran adeer.

Wuxuu sameeyay xigmad xaqiiqdii dhaxal fiican u noqon karta qof kastoo kibir galo

Markii aan tabar hayay talo ma hayn

Maanta oo aanan tabar hayna talaan hayaa.

Maadoobe talo maantuu gaari karaa aragtidayda inta wali garkiisu madaw yahay, nairobi ha iska aado sida walaalkiis shariif xassan asagoo qoslaya.


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