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Anti Obama club

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If u don't like Obama, it's about time then u tune up ur brain and learn to think "outside the box." Seriously, anyone who still have doubts about Obama's ability to transform America and bring new hope of political stability on the rest of the World then u must be suffering from a brain stagnation. If u cannot think "outside of the box" then do not support Obama!

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A@T what about Nader Dee?


:D wa walaken Carab Lebanse.heh



Seriously, AT, I understand and appreciate what Obama has achieved. However, i'm just against this over exaggerated mass mania and frenzy from faraxz and xalimos, which believes that Obama will suddenly change the entire course of US foreign policy or that he will make the world a better place. Why? because he is black and the man promises change. Truth be told, Obama's politics doesn't vastly differ from the what we have been used to, particularly in terms of foreign policy and the US relationship with the Israel lobby.As one African AMerican brother told us: it's more about the system than the faces.



Roobleh, anyone who doesn't doubt the ability of Obama to bring change and political stability is a complete bafoon and clown, in my humble opinion. Also, people who normally go against the mass frenzy think outside the box, as opposed to masses who blindly follow and cheerlead. :cool: Obama hasn't even intiated one policy yet, and the man has only been in the job one day. How on earth are you certain that he will bring change and stability? Yes, he has promised change, spent alot of money and the man is a reasonble orator, but there is no evidence to suggest that he will bring stability and change. The only way we will know is in a couple of years down the line, that is, unless your have the ability to predict the future? ya? :D Though, I don't think that Obama has to even do a great amount of work to better the neo-con experiment.



Lest I sound like a hater:


congratulations ya ibn Zwahili Farax

Obama :cool:

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^^When I finally got home, stretched out on the sofa and tuned in to listen to his victory speech I turned the channel half way through.

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^^^ His speech abilities won't make him good president, he already got his first test from Russia saying they will install Missile Defense System and jam american Missile system's in Poland once it is being installed, can he handle that, real scary stuff he got there as welcome.

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Hello haters? Obama was elected on the promise that he would restore truth and openness of what the founding fathers of this nation always promised their people.The heros and heroines of the civil right movement constant face of danger must have paid its due today. Through its tactics, its message and its moral fervor we were able to witness the greatest news of the moment, the election of Obama.As if by magic if you think Obama will bring rapid change then I think you need to come down to earth little bit.While Obama might not solve all of America and the world problem, he will sure prove to be more responsive than the former administration.With shrewdness and skills, I bet you Obama will set out to woo those that are qualified to solve the current American economic crisis.I believe that the model for the American future today rested in Obamas’s shoulders.Understanding instinctively Obama will sure maintain the politics of diplomatic consensus when dealing with other nations.With the best of intentions I believe that he will be a leader who is more receptive to a more critical perspective be it through a policy paper or a town meeting! There have been countless turning point in American history, but nothing can beat the Obama election.So you can hate all you want and continue to crucify Obama either way you want, but one thing will always remain the same and that he done did it boy!!!

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