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Islam still thriving despite opposition

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The Muslim community as a whole has been under fire since the ‘terrorist’ attacks against the United States which has tipped the scale fuelling Islamophobic sentiments all across the globe. Evidence reveals mounting anxiety about Islam’s compatibility with Western values are based on lack of awareness and understanding of basic elements of Islam. Paradoxically, with all the negative press that Islam has been receiving in all forms of the media (radio, print, T.V., film, etc.) according to “The Almanac Book of Facts” followers of Islam have increased 235 per cent as opposed to the 46 per cent increase in Christianity and 137 per cent increased world population. What is more enigmatic are the results of the recent US poll which reveals that approximately 100,000 people a year in America alone are accepting the Islamic way of life. For every one male convert to Islam, there are four female converts embracing the religion introduced to civilisation through Muhammad (p.b.u.h) over 1400 years ago. Muslims have either voluntarily or involuntarily been slapped with tags and labels in accordance to the level of their iman (faith). A passive Muslim is considered a moderate or progressive whereas a practicing adherent to Islam is regarded as suffering from judeophobia. Exogenous pressures have increased the thirst for Islamic knowledge which can partly explain the sudden surge in converts to Islam. Despite being born into a Muslim household I regrettably say that until recently
I like a great number of Muslims all over the world had taken my religion for granted
. I was oblivious to all the wonderful things it has to offer. I am a firm believer of Islamic edicts which is a remedy of great efficacy; which begins and ends with peace. Peace.






I thought that bit in bold was very interesting.

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