
The dhaqan xumo of Somaliland ministers

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"Those few political power holders are busy with making themselves millionaires. Once appointed into a powerful position somewhere near the presidential palace in Hargeysa, itself once the house of the notorious General Morgan during the 1980s, the first thing for most officeholders is to get instant cash and accumulate as much material wealth as possible. As a result, those in power live a very luxurious life in one of the most affluent neighbourhoods in Hargeysa, the Shacabka area, with newly-built spacious houses, complemented by brand new Land Cruisers and two or more young beautiful mistresses. One young female intellectual told me in Hargeysa that it was now regular practice for a minister, when travellling outside the capital, to the rural areas to have one or two young pretty girls accompany him for the sole purpose of their comforts (30). Most of these young girls, she said, come from very poor families who cannot afford to pay their daily bread. "



Between the Politics of the Belly and Pastoral Democracy?: The State of Politics in Somaliland (Issue III, September 2017)

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Saalax, this is some pretty damning allegation. I googled and it seems the author is Maxamed Xaaji Ingiriis, so I will have my reservations about this. I remember Maxamed Xaaji being a pro-warlords back in 2001-2004, back during shirarkii Soomaalida loo qabanaaye in Kenya, when he used to publish qoraallo iyo maqaallo online while based in Nayroobi.

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3 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Saalax, this is some pretty damning allegation. I googled and it seems the author is Maxamed Xaaji Ingiriis, so I will have my reservations about this. I remember Maxamed Xaaji being a pro-warlords back in 2001-2004, back during shirarkii Soomaalida loo qabanaaye in Kenya, when he used to publish qoraallo iyo maqaallo online while based in Nayroobi.


It is a common knowledge in Hargeisa. One of the ministers  few years ago made a young girl pregnant and paid her to get abortion. Politicians are the most rotten usually in Somali society. 

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Waa dhaqan xumo runtii hadday xaqiiq tahay 

Faqrigu ama baahidu waa cadawga kowaad oo bulsho yeelato dhanka dhaqanka diinta iyo dhinac kastaba.

Carabtu waxay tiraahdaa (alfaqar-kufur)

Waxaa nasiib daraa dadkii loogu tala galay inay gabdhahaas wax baraan si ay u noqdaan bulsho hoos ka dhisan inay ayagii duurka la aadaan  ayagoo dhaqaalihii shacabka kusii fidnaynaya.

Mushkilada koowaad waa jaadka oo ah maan dooriye aan waxba reebayn

Hogaamiyihii loo dacwoon lahaa qudhiisii waa muqayil.


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Mohamed Hajji Ingris. Is this your latest source? He is a M00ryaan. A M00ryaan's opinion is as worthy as garbage. 

What is factual though is the thing that happens in Liido Beach today puts Paris to shame. 

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Hadii fuwaaxisho topic laga hadlaayo, Nairobi iyo Mogadishu meel ka fuwaaxis badan ma jirto. 

I am not saying Hargeisa or any other part of the Somali region are saints but if there is anything it is isolated indivituals not organised criminal syndicates like in Mogadishu and Nairobi. 

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Mowduucu ma'ahan gabar xoog lagu kufsaday, oo dhiisheedii dhulka lagu tuuray.

Mana ahan hablo doortay inay dariiq khaldan raacaan ama nairobi ha joogeen muqdisho burco meeshay doonaan  ha joogeen.

Isdaafaacaan faraha badan yuusan ood qodax leh indhaha idiin gelin

Arrintu waa niman aad ku tilmaanteen wasiiro oo gawaari qurxoon ka gatay sadaqadii caalamka laga helay oo ku fidnaynaya gabdhihii iskoolka aadi lahaa kana soo jeeda qoysaska faqiirkaa.

beri waxay noo bar baarin lahaayeen  ubad qurxoon waana inaad ogaataan dumarku waa soomaali qabiil gaara kama tirsana.


Hadraawi wuu amaanay asagoo alifay heestii hooyooy la'aantaa

Hadana wuu hoos mariyay asagoo gubaabinaya usc


(Geellu waa usc, asagaa la rabaa inuu dido oo qarankiisa burburiyo)

(Dumarkuna caqli maleh oo waa laysaga shaqaystaa siduu murtidiisa u dhigay).

Waxaa ku xigay kii buugga ceebtu ka buuxday ka qoray hablaha soomaaliyeed oo waliba loo dabbaal degay.

Dhaqanka snm'ta bidix waa mid maalinba maalinta ka dambaysa hoo usii degaya ilaa ay gunta tageen.

Adinkoon yey difaacin la kaashada hay adaha aan marqaamin sida culimada iyo dadka wanaagsan

Dumarku waa geed aad abuurto kan ugu qorxoon waa la dhaqaaleeyaa ilaa uu koro, oo laga ilaaliyaa cayayaanka iyo qalooca.

Markaad barto diin sax ah iyo maadi labadaba waxaa laga helaa miro macaan iyo hoos qabaw.

Markaas ka dib waxaa is waraysta bulsho caafimaad qabta.


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