
Mogadishu Residents demonstrate against AMISom "They kill Somali people with impunity..."

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This AMISOM thing is another project that has been over-milked. Unless Eritrea wants to come as AMISOM, then UAE, Eritrea, Ethiopia will want to get rid of Amisom.

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The koonfurians don't value life as it stands because  the killings were happening since 2009. But there is no accountability and ofcourse the sell the guns to jihadist. And  they receive their ngo cut in Nairobi it's a never ending cycle. Where is Failmaajo and kheyre.

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Exactly no nobility and shame I mean you can protest all you like but you can't change the genetics of these  folks. Because  they hate the truth. Amisom is a mashruuc European pay the soldiers. Uganda eats the cake. And the koonfurians die. If you  tell them this is wrong the way you are conducting politics. They will tell you hate my  blue flag which actually has no meaning in 2019. Because the country Italian Somalia is under a foreign military control. But they  don't see this at all. It's like you are taling to dad dhegola. Oo indhobeelay.

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The problem Oodweyne is the lack of self pride and no one is honest  not one so called president or prime minister in the Amisom bunker adressed the fundamental core obsticles to their peace and stability.   Their poltical culture is so rotten that they  get optimistic every  few  years some selections happened  in some African union protected  compound. And over  200 koonfurian scammers try to get into political office  just to steal   the  European aid money or US aid. And they all seem to say we are on the right  track of this is the right  track. Tallow  what does a wrong track look like.

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Kenyan's Army vehicle runs over Somali soldier in Kismayo. 



Mid kamid gaadiidka dagaalka ciidanka Kenya ee kamid ah AMISOM ayaa shalay magaalada Kismaayo ku jiidhay askari ka tirsana ciidamada dowlad goboleedka Soomaaliyeed ee Jubaland.

Gaadhi si xawli ah ku socda oo ay leeyihiin ciidanka Kenya ayaa askariga ku jiidhay bar-kantarool oo ku taalla gudaha magaalada Kismaayo,waxaana halkaasi ku dhintay askarigii,sida ay xaqiijiyeen mas’uuliyiinta amniga Jubaland.

Sidoo kale sawir la soo geliyay baraha bulshada ayaa muujinaya meydka askariga oo hoos yaalla mid kamid ah gaadiidka dagaalka ciidanka Kenya ee ku hawlgala magaca AMISOM.

Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in dareewalka gaadhi uu si kas ah u jiidhay askariga oo muran hore kala dhexeeyay,balse waxa warkaasi beeniyay saraakiisha ciidamada Jubaland oo dhacdada ku tilmaamay mid shil ah.


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