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Friends Without Faces

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We sit and we type,

....and we stare at our screens

We all have to wonder,

....what this possibly means.


With our mouse we roam,

....through the rooms in a maze

Looking for something or someone, we sit in a daze.


We chat with each other,

....we type all our woes

Small groups we do form,

.....and gang up on our foes.


We wait for somebody, type out our name

We want recognition,

....but it is always the same.


We give kisses and hugs,

....and sometimes flirt

In PMs we chat deeply,

....and reveal why we hurt.


We do form friendships - but - why we don't know

But some of these friendships,

....will flourish and grow.


Why is it on screen,

....we can be so bold

Telling our secrets,

....that have never been told?


Why is it we share,

....the thoughts in our mind

With those we can't see, though we were blind?


The answer is simple, is as clear as a bell.

We all have our problems,

....and need someone to tell.


We can't tell real people,

....but tell someone we must

So we turn to the 'puter,

....and to those we can trust.


Even though it is crazy,

....the truth still remains

They are Friends Without Faces,

......and odd little names.

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OG Moti   

Beautiful words ... and indeed you are my friend who is without face with a cute name... appriciate being ur friend and hopefully one day we meet ... in somalia with peace and happiness


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We wait for somebody, type out our name

We want recognition,

....but it is always the same.

TRUE like dat one NICE ONE lucky

ere's my one



A boring day,

....A lonely night,

Not much to do,

....Just thoughts to fight.


With one small CLICK,

....My PC is on,

The lightblue screen,

....Again it won.


Click, click,

....Awwww, what a sound,

My favourite site

....I am SOL bound.


Surf through ID'S

....And there it was,

The sweetest NAMES,

....Eyes that embrace.


PM's Sent out,

....Wait for reply,

Your answered fast,

....I was so shy.



It is cold out there,

....No feeling is real.

Only flickering screens,

....Lost souls and false passion

Nothing is what it seems.


If you get caught in the web

....Of the online cyber .

Get the hell out

....Try to be smart.

Because what you may find

....Is not what you wished for,

But a killing dart.


Don't ruin your life

....For a hollow dream

Fantasy belongs to life

....But don't fullfill it

Over a screen.

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