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loooooooool ,,,, ciraaq ma calan bay lahayd :D



Yeah ,, been busy here and there ,,, it is almost 3am now and i'm still up ,, imagine


how ya been ?

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The F, you doing up so late...Have you beeing having fun without me? Calanka Ciraaq lee ma'ohoo odaygaan wuxuu madaxa ku dhajistay...


SOL was down, so was K_K...I am doing better now

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hehehe ,,,, there hasn't been fun dee ,,,, just busy as hell


Soomaali ,, show halkana way ku qayilaan ,,, below idin degtay :D



Actually anigu waan ka raystayba SOL during the outage ,,,,,

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Good day everyone...I went to bed at 3:30am and woke up 11:30am...I am fresh as bambeelmo...


Che, why so you and Layzie can take over? Don't you worry, when KK and JB retire you can take over...Oh noo, not even then, cuz Nephthys and Zafir will take over...So sorry, you and Layzie could never be then... :D


Sheekha, xaa ku bariday? Wili manoo shahay?

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Originally posted by -:

i'm thinking of something round and tuujable..see what you done ayeeyo.

Wax Wax wax wax...Qax qax qax qax...Max max max max...Fiq fiq fiq fiq...Tan qosol waa dhaaftay...Balo ku tuujisay...Ar ayeeydaan baan ehee iga xishoo...Besides it is too early in the day in wax la tuutuujiyo...


As for you and Layzie keeping it underground, well that's not what I heard...Waayeel aa wadno gariirineysiin aa iska yar, still PG aa tihiin...Markaa AA u soo dhowaatiin may be...Sanadka maanta eh, waayeelka jiro ameybo idinka idin ka daran yihiin, oo idin ka horeeyaan... :D

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Originally posted by nuune:

Asasiino muundo yaanya marooleey hadaa isku tuujiso adi dhanbo sidii dooro aa khaakhee waraa shiix aan ku dhahey [/QB]




LoooooooooooL@Ayeeyo, you had me laughing. I was thinking of Lazy when I said that, not my ayeeyo.


And as for me and lazy, it is better to keep underground hadii kale odaayaasha, not so much ayeeyooyinka baa wadna gariirka ku dhacaa. Ma maqlin oday Somali ah galbeedka ku nool baa xaajiyadiisa afka ka dhunkatay. Oday waa qaracmay, islaantii halkiibay ku kalatagayn. Ayeeyos can get with the program, but Awoowes not so much. So I don't wanna give Xiin iyo Baashi a attack when they hear me and lazy talking about shakes :D

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Ok ok, since everyone is feeling great this morning/afternoon for some and evening for others, I would like to share an advise I once heard on the Dr. Phil show


Dr. Phil proclaimed, "The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you've started and never finished."


So, I woke up this morning, being a sunday, and feeling LayZie as usual, and I looked around my house to see all the things I started and hadn't finished, and before having my spinach omlette this morning, I finished off a bottle of Gin,a bottle of Chardonnay, a bottle of Bailey's Bristol Cream, a bottle of Kahlua, a package of Oreos, a pint of Ben and Jerry's, the remainder of my old Prozac prescription, the rest of the cheesecake, some saltines and a box of Godiva chocolates. You have no idea how freaking good I feel, now can you KK and J-baro beat that?


PS: I still haven't gotten around to having a full sizeable strawberry shake, but I promise that once I get to it , I will finish off every last drop.(drop, drop, drop) ;) @KK and S-Shake himself.

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