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Daydream destination?

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After the exception of Soomaaliya, it would be Svizzera. There is something about this country, which had never been to war, what, 200 years or so, I guess. It pratically gave the middle finger to all: UN, NATO, EU, Warsaw Pact, World Bank, IMF, etc. And of course Swiss banks, Swatch, perfect chocolates, the birth place of Red Crescent, etc.


Geneva, here I am!

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^ Adaa Mudan


Originally posted by MR ORGILAQE:

My dream holiday is to take the Trans-Manchurian line, to Tarskaya. From Tarskaya southeast into China and all way down to Beijing.


From there i wish to try the Trans Mongolian Line

which coincides with the trans munchurian at Beijing, all the way into the Mongolian Plains and the Land of Genges Khan and down to Ulan Ude on Lake Baikal's eastern shore. From Ulan-Ude then head south to Ulaan-Baatar before joining the Trans siberian Line to vladivostock and finally To Moscow. Lots of history to see there that is why it fascinates me.

you may enjoy hunting foxes with Golden Eagles with the Kazakhs




as for me, I would prefer a journey through central asia and east turkistan((xinjiang), from Urumqi to kashgar, then east to almaty, down to bishkek and the vallies of kygrystan, where they'll welcome you with a goats eye. from there you can travel through the cities of bukhara(where Imam bukhari was born) nd samarkan, the land of Tamarlane(amir timur), then if you want, you can either go west to to the caspian sea or go east to the most beautiful place on earth, Kashmir through north pakistan.

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Destination, Destination, destinaion where would be the perfect place to be...


Having born and bred in Somalia, lived in the Arab world and now lost and bored in the west, Perfect holliday destination looks a bit dull for me. Orientalls, mount Himalaya and all of the Asian subcontinent have never crossed my mind. May be the little pleasure im missing is hidden somewhere in Africa, Yeah more stylish Im might gona end up staying right at the lower tip corner of the contintinent and have the fun to help choose King Lisoto of Swaziland's yearly pride - the African dance and the overall passion not to forget the oustanding beauty of the land, Im more into that than the beaches of Spain, Bali or Rio. Typical African life will take away the boredom at least for some time.


My first Post

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