
Djibouti oo quus ka joogta Mogadishu, xidhiidhka Hargeisa boodhka ka jafaysa...

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This is good Jabuuti is a very close country to us it's just that Mr geele  just always  believed in flirting  with the koonfurians I think he is feeling  the heat from abudhabi. And ofcourse afewerqi the  tigrayan dictator of asmara. I think our ambassador in Jabuuti did a good job there. We are willing to meet Jabuuti half way if they do what they promised back in 2013 when they said we are gonna help present the Somaliland case at the iced summit and to  allow an observer status for Somaliland at igad. Because the Cheese fellow called  the removal of the sanctions on Eritrea. And since  ras domaira is still occupied by afewerqi. He  Mr cumar geele needs to come down. And eat less French croasants. And take some advise from his friend  president muuse biixi cabdi.

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Djibouti is wronged. Our brothers don't deserve this BS. I hope Djibouti can wait it out until next Somali election. It is going to get better. 

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If the sanctions on Eritrea are lifted  by Mr  trumps administration than it will be a  major win for  Eritrea and a big loss for Jabuuti and Mr  geele. The Saudis  wish to invest allot of hard currency in Eritrea the same with the assab port which Will  be controlled  by abudhabi. And  the jabuutians don't have much cards. Even the cheese fellow  called for the lifting at the expense of Jabuuti. This will hunt him  since relations between the amisom bunker  and jabuuti is at its lowest point.


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