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Day of Ashura

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The tenth day of Muharram,it is recommended to fast the day before Ashoora and on da day of Ashura itself.


Abu Hurayrah (ra) said: “The Messenger of Allaah (saw) said: ‘The best of fasting after Ramadaan is fasting Allaah’s month of Muharram.’” (reported by Muslim, 1982).


The Prophet (saw)said: “For fasting the day of ‘Aashooraa’, I hope that Allaah will accept it as expiation for the year that went before.” (Reported by Muslim, 1976).


Also Imaam al-Nawawi (ra) said:


“It expiates for all minor sins, i.e., it brings forgiveness of all sins except major sins.”


It is recommended to fast two days to be different from the Jews,so muslims fast the day before Ashoora and the day of Ashoora itself.


My calender says the tenth is on Saturday 19th but i read somewhere tenth is on Friday...


can anyone confirm?


tnxs in advance.

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i think you should follow your local mosque. its on your intentions. obviously things are out of whack since the communities in the west havent done eid on the same day.s just follow your local mosque or your family.

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^Your probably late now,but today is the 9th and tommorrow is the 10th of Muharram.They announce late last night on the Islam Channel.


May Allah hear our prayers,may our sins big and small be forgiven..Amiin

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Originally posted by chubacka:

but i read somewhere tenth is on Friday...


can anyone confirm?

Salam Aleikum W.W



Yeah brother the 10th is tomorrow (Firday) Insha dear brothers & sisters let's all fast these two days Insha Allah and let's pray for all our muslim brothers & sisters around the world Insha Allah and hopefully the almighty Allah s.w may accept our prayers Insha Allah.



Salam Aleikum W.W



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Originally posted by *BOB:

quote:Originally posted by chubacka:

but i read somewhere tenth is on Friday...


can anyone confirm?

Salam Aleikum W.W



Yeah brother the 10th is tomorrow (Firday) Insha dear brothers & sisters let's all fast these two days Insha Allah and let's pray for all our muslim brothers & sisters around the world Insha Allah and hopefully the almighty Allah s.w may accept our prayers Insha Allah.



Salam Aleikum W.W



Peace, Love & Unity.
ahhh subhanallah dats sad my dumb calender! :mad:


still gonna fast fri and sat, is it true you can fast either da day before Ashoora or the day after as well, just as long as its 2 days...



btw Bob I aint a brother!


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Originally posted by chubacka:

btw Bob I aint a brother!


Salam Aleikum W.W



I'm so sorry my dearest's just that age has finally caught up with me and my memory isn't as sharp as it used to be smile.gif .



Salam Aleikum W.W



Peace, Love & Unity.

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One of my friends invited me to come with her to the mosque. You know how the shia group wear black on the Ashuura day and beat themselves up or something alike.


I was wondering if that was halaal or haraam? Isn't like am gonna beat myself or anything lol, but just to go with her...??


any ideas.


wa salaam

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Aliyah if it were me I wouldn't go with her, what wil you do wen dey all start hitting themselves and when they start praying and cursing the nobel companions of (saw)?

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Actually my knowledge of the shia group is limited. Chubacka, why would they curse the companions of the prophet csw?


North, I dnt know abt the shedding blood. waaba baqay walahi lol. But, she did mention beating their chests. My friend assured me it was touching your chest lightly, she said some ppl over do it though.

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