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Dome of the Rock/Al-Aqsa Masjid, Jerusalem

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705: The construction of the al-Aqsa Mosque is begun.

715: The al-Aqsa Mosque is completed.

747: The mosque is partly destroyed in an earthquake, after which a much larger structure is built.

780: Rebuilt with 20 aisles.

1016: The mosque is destroyed in an earthquake.

1033: A new earthquake brings the mosque to ruins, after which it was rebuilt to a structure close to the present.

1099: In conjunction to the Crusades, the mosque is converted into a Christian church.

1118: Knights Templer are founded, named after the then previous al-Aqsa Mosque.

1187: Jerusalem is conquered by the Muslims under the leadership of Saladin. Al-Aqsa is converted back to a mosque.

1927: Heavy earthquake destroys much of the al-Aqsa Mosque.

1936: A second earthquake brings the mosque into an almost ruinous condition.

1938-1942: Complete reconstruction.

1969: A fire started by a Christian extremist destroys the wooden minbar, believed to have been close to 800 years old.

2000 September: Ariel Sharon visits the area of the al-Aqsa Mosque, causing much anger among Palestinians.

The al-Aqsa Intifada and al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades emerged from this incident.


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Cumar Treaty


(Arabic: العهدة العمرية Al-'Uhda Al-'Umariyya), a treaty containing a truce made between Umar and the governor of Jerusalem at the time Sophronius. After successfully defeating the Roman in the Battle of Yarmuk, Umar went up to Jerusalem by horse. He stepped down from his steed and entered the holy city without any bloodshed. He called every single religious leader from Christianity and Judaism to meet him.


The treaty

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Beneficent. This is what the slave of Allah, Umar b.Al-Khattab, the Amir of the believers, has offered the people of Illyaa’ of security granting them Amaan (protection) for their selves, their money, their churches, their children, their lowly and their innocent, and the remainder of their people. Their churches are not to be taken, nor are they to be destroyed, nor are they to be degraded or belittled, neither are their crosses or their money, and they are not to be forced to change their religion, nor is any one of them to be harmed. No Jews are to live with them in Illyaa’ and it is required of the people of Illyaa’ to pay the Jizya, like the people of the cities. It is also required of them to remove the Romans from the land; and whoever amongst the people of Illyaa’ that wishes to depart with their selves and their money with the Romans, leaving their trading goods and children behind, then their selves, their trading goods and their children are secure until they reach their destination. Upon what is in this book is the word of Allah, the covenant of His Messenger, of the Khulafaa’ and of the believers if they (the people of Illyaa’) gave what was required of them of Jizya. The witnesses upon this were Khalid ibn Al-Walid, 'Amr ibn al-'As, Abdur Rahman bin Awf and Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan. Written and passed on the 15th year (after Hijrah)


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Guest Name: Shiekh Raed Salah — President of Al-Aqsa Foundation

Subject "Al-Aqsa Guardian" Speaks Out

Date: Wednesday,Sep 3 ,2008




Editor — Abdelrahman Rashdan -


Question Dear visitors,


The session has just started. Please, send your questions.


Along with his active team of Al-Aqsa Foundation, Sheikh Salah was able to restore and archive big number of the most rare and important documents about the history of the mosques, Islamic endowments, and the history of Al-Aqsa Mosque inside historical Palestine; in addition, the foundation is running on-the-ground activities to restore the documented Islamic endowments. Recently, the Israeli forces shut down the foundation and confiscated all the documents on claims that its activities are not legal.


After the session ends, you can view the whole dialogue through the Recent Sessions, or the archive.



Muslim Affairs Team

Answer .



Abdallah -


Question Salam Alykom Shiekh Raed,


You remind us of the days of Shiekh Yassin (Rahimahu Allah) .. what we always think is that Israel is lawless and wont allow any efforts that would run against its interests, how do you see that from inside, and how free do you see your activities inside Israel for the sake of Al-Aqsa?


Answer We believe that working for the Aqsa is an obligation that cannot be bargained. It is a trust that we can not give in no matter how much the price is; and that is why we are chased by all means from the Israeli side for our role in the Aqsa.

Some of our institutions have been shut down and the most recent is Al-Aqsa Foundation for the Reconstruction of Islamic Sanctities. Some of us are banned even from entering the Aqsa by orders from the Israeli occupation, some of us have been imprisoned for for many years and some others had religious Jewish opinions that allow his assassination .. Yet all of that didn't deter us from fulfilling our obligation and duty.



Sara -


Question Practically speaking, what can individual Muslims worldwide do to try to contribute to protecting and supporting Al Aqsa?


Answer They can do a lot .. First, to hold the cause of Al-Aqsa Mosque alive inside the hearts, minds, and tongues of Muslims; this is the first capital that is needed to rescue Al-Aqsa. Secondly, reviving all activities possible for Al-Aqsa be it a lesson in a mosque, sit-down, public strike, or a good conversation .. All of that would help make the Aqsa cause one that all Muslims, Arabs, and Palestinians care about.


This message is really needed and we are required to show to the world so that enemies of Al-Aqsa would know that their attack on Al-Aqsa means the attack on one billion and a half Muslim, Arab, and Palestinian in the same time. Surely, putting pressures of the decision makers in the Arab and Muslim countries will make them take some courageous actions internally and internationally for the sake of defending the Holy Quds and the Aqsa Mosque. We welcome any blessed action that would act to free Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque.



Ali Ashfaq -


Question What is the role of the Palestinian west bank government in protecting the Al-Aqsa. I don't feel they are doing enough in this regard, what do you think. and what are we young people in other countries to do to take part in protecting the Al-Aqsa from the Zionist entity?


Answer As for the West Bank government, it is well known that it is a besieged one inside the West Bank and is surrounded by the apartheid wall that runs between it and Al-Quds Al-Shareef. It is also clear that the Israeli occupation is implementing a policy that would not allow even negotiations to include Al-Quds; the Israeli side is rather letting its negotiations with the Palestinian side to be a fruitless one and that is what pushed the Quds resident Legislative Council member Hatem AbdelKader to ask for bringing negotiations to an end with the Israeli side because of what i mentioned.



Amro - Egypt


Question Salam Alikom, It has been noticed that Israel systematically Judizing Jerusalem amid the silence of Arab and Muslim governments. What is your program to stop such process? Do you work with NGOs inside Israel and other states to call for Israel to bring the attention of the "international community"?


Answer On the media level, I think we have exerted good and continuous efforts to uncover the plots of the Israeli occupation that target Al-Quds and the Al-Aqsa mosque.we held a number of press conferences that tackled very important issues in the struggle for Al-quds and the Aqsa Mosque that were attended by so many news Arab and foreign newspapers and satellite channels. During these conferences, we talked about the excavations under AlAqsa mosque and the cracks that appeared on the mosque's walls and the houses in the old city of Al-Quds. We also unveiled very important documents, a documented entitled: Al-Quds First was an example.


On Aug. 12, we held a conference in which we announced 8 new dangerous documents signed by the "state" of Israel and some Zionist societies that reveal that the Israeli occupation is planning in the new future to establish a new temple on and along the western and southern wall of the Al-aqsa mosque. They also reveal that the Israelis intend to establish a military bridge to link between the area of El-maghariba and the Al-aqsa mosque from inside. We also revealed in the conference that the Israelis intend to turn the square of El-rahma tomb into a public park. These documents included some other serious details.


We will go on persistently in exposing the Israeli plots worldwide and we believe that we have to do our best to stop Judaizing Al-Quds and helping our people inside to the Aqsa Mosque via tens of buses in what we call the Caravan of Bayariq to keep Al-Aqsa in the heart of our protection against the Israeli aggression.



Jackson - United States


Question why do you reject the idea that the Temple Mount is buried under your mosque?


Answer We have all definitive evidences religious, historical, and archeological that prove that Al-Aqsa is standing on its own grounds and was never built on the wreckage of any other building. Those fair among Jewish archeologists, and they are few in number, admit it publicly and confirm that all destructive excavations undergone by the Israeli occupation support the same conclusion. The Israeli claims of the existence of the Temple underneath the Aqsa sanctuary are all false allegations and are based on illusions.



S.Abdul-haq -


Question Do you think the Zionist entity would dare and destroy Al-Aqsa mosque? Or just they want to discover something under the old city of Al-Quds as they claim? What are they really looking for under the mosque?


Answer The Israeli occupation is an occupation of destruction since its advent in 1967 in Al-quds. It's a real threat against the future of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. It's the Israeli occupation that dig a network of tunnels under the Mosque. It's the occupation also that destroyed El-maghariba road in 2007, which is one of the Al-aqsa Mosque buildings. It's the Israelis that always declare openly that their Zionist scheme will not be completed unless the Temple is built. They still insist on building their Temple on the rubbles of Al-aqsa Mosque.


All these show that the Israeli occupation is trying to pave the way to find a chance to realize all its black dreams, which we hope will not come true, God willing.





Leo of Tripoli -


Question Salam Alikom, what is the current situation of Al-Aqsa mosque? is it really perilous? what are your tactics to stop the Israeli actions to shaken the foundations of Al-Aqsa?


Answer Yes, it is in a real danger. You can check previous answers.

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