
Refugees lead a better life in Somaliland then their original homelands

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Asha Hassan, the head teacher of Sheikh Ali Osman School, stands with some of her students during lunch break. She has taught here for 22 years.   

Shared services help refugees and locals coexist in Somaliland

Hargeisa is a vibrant city, thriving with potential as the local communities and the displaced enjoy shared services and equal opportunities.  The region has approximately 18,000 registered refugees and asylum seekers mainly from Ethiopia and Yemen.   

“Life is good here and we have never experienced any problems with the Somali community,” she says. “They accommodate us, have taught us their language and given us food when we are lacking.”



The steps that Somaliland has taken towards inclusivity and integration of refugees into national systems is aligned with the new approach towards displacement, placing Somaliland in an exemplary position in the region.



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