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Four gifted siblings between ages 10 and 16 enrolled at the UI

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I always knew the significance of a parent's role both through the genes they pass on and the way they bring up their kids but the home schooling part is so amazing Walahi. It is one thing to ensure that your kids go to school and do well but it is a totally different thing to teach them at home and make so much out of it


I envy them so much...

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^so true hun they took parenting to a whole new different level. Mashallah.


BTW dont envy them just raise ur siblings/kids in the same way...or at least ensure they do well academically. As they say if there is a will there is a way. There is nothing that we cant do if we put our heart to it..



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These children had a head start with a special giftedness from Allah SWT, lets not fool ourselves into thinking that every child is capable of this level of academic success. Very few in this world are gifted. Their parents did well in ensuring that their learning wasn't ruined by structured education.


I'm so excited for their future, Masha Allah. I pray Allah protects them and blesses them with the wisedom to serve his deen, Insha Allah.

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Of one of the comments

Okay, no more binge drinking for me. Maybe my potential is going to waste.




N I should stop coming to SOL-maybe my potential is going to waste :D



I hope they are well adjusted socially!

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Originally posted by Ismalura:

I always knew the significance of a parent's role both through the genes they pass on and the way they bring up their kids but the home schooling part is so amazing Walahi. It is one thing to ensure that your kids go to school and do well but it is a totally different thing to teach them at home and make so much out of it


I envy them so much...

Laakiin too much pressure, pressuring one's children to excel in their academies ma fiicno, too. Just look at Jabaan, that country and its suicide rates as a result of too much parental pressures of their children's success at schools.


Wax walba balancing ku fiicantahay, a moderation.


Teeda kale si ba'an ayeeba dadka u saaranyihiin waalidiinta qaarkood. I don't know, I believe it says more about their family experience than wax kale. Qofba suu noqdo Rabi ayaa ka haayo ma'ahee wax uu waalid ka qaban karo maleh after a certain age, siiba qurbahaan lagu soo qaxay.


Soomaaliya ayaa la joogi jiray and one's parents hardly involved with any of their children's lives, and Eebbe mahadiis, the vast majority of us turned out just fine. I know, I know, dhul Galbeedkaan iyo Soomaaliya isku mid ma'aha la dhihi doonaa, still.


Our parents are fine, and they are doing fine. Unlike others, they are not that nosy, too nosy to get involved with their children. They are not too controlling, as some other immigrant communities do. If anything can be blamed, the blame methinks would be the freedom they give to their children, which I wouldn't take it away. Soomaali wax walba ha lagu eedeeyo, but compared to other communities, they give their children the utmost freedom, oo dad badan ayee dhaamaan. I applaud that.

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Still logged on? Waa meelshidan baan maqlay markaa bal adigu ka war keen and I meant 'doqon' in the most indearing way, walaalo. :D

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Originally posted by Aaliyyah:

^so true hun they took parenting to a whole new different level. Mashallah.


BTW dont envy them just raise ur siblings/kids in the same way...or at least ensure they do well academically. As they say if there is a will there is a way. There is nothing that we cant do if we put our heart to it..



Alliyah abaayo I can try my best in raising my kids but I need those superb genes. I am just an above average student but may be if I marry a smarty pants I could have gifted kids....The probability of that happening is not really high so I am envious of them (in a good way though).

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

quote:Originally posted by Ismalura:

I always knew the significance of a parent's role both through the genes they pass on and the way they bring up their kids but the home schooling part is so amazing Walahi. It is one thing to ensure that your kids go to school and do well but it is a totally different thing to teach them at home and make so much out of it


I envy them so much...

Laakiin too much pressure, pressuring one's children to excel in their academies ma fiicno, too. Just look at Jabaan, that country and its suicide rates as a result of too much parental pressures of their children's success at schools.


Wax walba balancing ku fiicantahay, a moderation.


Teeda kale si ba'an ayeeba dadka u saaranyihiin waalidiinta qaarkood. I don't know, I believe it says more about their family experience than wax kale. Qofba suu noqdo Rabi ayaa ka haayo ma'ahee wax uu waalid ka qaban karo maleh after a certain age, siiba qurbahaan lagu soo qaxay.


Soomaaliya ayaa la joogi jiray and one's parents hardly involved with any of their children's lives, and Eebbe mahadiis, the vast majority of us turned out just fine. I know, I know, dhul Galbeedkaan iyo Soomaaliya isku mid ma'aha la dhihi doonaa, still.


Our parents are fine, and they are doing fine. Unlike others, they are not that nosy, too nosy to get involved with their children. They are not too controlling, as some other immigrant communities do. If anything can be blamed, the blame methinks would be the freedom they give to their children, which I wouldn't take it away. Soomaali wax walba ha lagu eedeeyo, but compared to other communities, they give their children the utmost freedom, oo dad badan ayee dhaamaan. I applaud that.
MMA I have to disagree with you on this walaalo. I know you acknowledge that this environment is different from back home lakiin it looks like you are underestimating the importance of parent's involvement for a kid's successful education. Parents have to know how much their kids can do and set high yet realistic standards for them. Mida kale waalidaka Somalida aad uma dabcsana siyaabaha kale they are just not too ambitious with education.



I know too much pressure can be bad but what I am saying is I would rather have over zealous Somali parents than careless ones.


By the way have you watched 'Akeelah and the bee'? What you said about the pressure that the indhayar put on their kids reminded me of that movie.

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Alliyah abaayo I can try my best in raising my kids but I need those superb genes. I am just an above average student but may be if I marry a smarty pants I could have gifted kids....The probability of that happening is not really high so I am envious of them (in a good way though).

Ismalura walaal, I believe that environment plays more important role than genes. People think hey if you are a professor or an educated individual then hey your kids were successful because of your genes? I think it is just the fact that those who are educated ie professors doctors (as in this story I posted) teachers etc are providing the perfect environment. They offer for their kids libraries even within the house, always buying htem books from a young age, perhaps even hiring tutors etc..So it is not about genes but the environment. Of course your genes might play some role I am not discounting the biological perspective. I am simply saying it plays a minimum role.


If you come with the efforts and you really put your heart to it and teach your kids and encourage them to learn. And, one doesnt even have to wait till that child turns 5, you would be surprised how much you teach a child prior to that age. Which is why other nations such as chinese people have smarter kids..ilma hal jir ah bay maanto dhan wax ku akhrinayaan..keenana maxa la dhaha ilmaha yar cunteesiya..cartoona u shida..thats it...we have to have high hopes for our kids even that young.


tan kale stop being so pessimistic inshaAllah you can produce the next Obama if you spend some quality time with your kids and teach them. Never lose hope tan kale indha yar baad ka war dooni karta ka waran icon_razz.gif



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If everyone becomes either a doctor or an engineer, who is going to flip the burgers? We’ve to have a balanced symbiosis in our ecosystem, methinks. Noloshu sida ay hadda tahay bay ku qurux badan tahay ee ha naga waalina.

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