
Gaas & Co. Is this start of civil strife 2.0?

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War-murtiyeed xasaasi ah oo laga soo saaray shirkii madax goboleedyada (Aqri)

October 25, 2018

Garoowe (Caasimada Online) – Golaha Iskaashiga Dowlad Goboleedyada Soomaaliya ayaa shirkii ay ku lahaayeen Garowe ka soo saaray war-murtiyeed ku saabsan qodobadii ay ka doodeen.

Dhinaca amaanka ayey ku sheegeen in ay sameynayaan Ciidamo isku dhaf ah oo Daraawiish ah amaanka dalkana la wareegaya kuwaas oo yeelanaya hal talis.

Waxaa kale oo ay sheegeen in ay sameynayaan Gole amni oo dowlad Goboleedyada u gaar ah, islamarkaana labo bil gudahood dowlad Goboleed kasta ku bixiyo 1,000 Askari.

Ciidankaan ayaa waxaa laga soo xuli doonaa Ciidanka darawiishta maamul goboleedyadda, waxaana maamulada ay u muuqdaan in ay soo bandhigayaan awoodooda Ciidan ee ka dhanka ah dowladda Dhexe ee Soomaaliya.

Ciidan ayaa waxaa lagu howlgali doona Muddo 2 bilood ah sidda lagu sheegay war kasoo baxay Golaha Iskaashiga maamul goboleedyadda.

Maamul goboleedkaste waxaa uu soo xuli doonaa kun Askari,kadibna tababar wadajir ah ayaa loo furi doonaa.

Madaxweynaha Galmudug ayaa horay ugu baaqay in maamul goboleedyadda ay sameystaan Ciidan gaar ah,maadaama Ciidankii Qaranka ay isku koobeen madaxda dowladda dhexe ee Soomaaliya.



1. Xisbi cusub

2. Ciidan

3. What next ......declare yourself a state?



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It is a step forward niyoow for any patriot. Somalis from all other clans united against fake social media driven government that is stealing all the money and ignoring the will of the people. kheyre and farmaajo's arrogance since they killed couple of Galmudug guys in that raid against abdishakuur guy is off the roof niyoow. they got away with murder MBS style and Puntland intelligence shows the two stooges were planning to repeat the same murder against dowlad goboleed leaders too. niyoow they didn't understand there is nothing they can do if the regional governments don't support them.

from today, this government is a MOGADISHU ONLY government. it is finished.

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There  will no civil war. These regional leaders are problem children but the Federal Government has nothing to alleviate the situation or move country forward.

They haven't finalized the constitution which contains mechanisms to resolve political issues. They haven't set up constitutional court where states and individuals can challenge the laws or political decisions.

They haven't setup tangible security apparatus. The power of the regions  will constrained by these measures.

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The coming southern west region election is the key who is going to win the power competition. Farmaajo government must win in the south. It will be interesting to see if Gaas and Co next meeting will be held in Duusomareeb. It will be first-time Gaas people and dhuusomareeb people are  in the same boat. 

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That's t the problem. This zero-sum game will not have winners. No one party is strong enough to subdue everyone. Even there was such party, it is better to compromise to find lasting solution.

All wasted resources and time could have been used to serve the Somali people

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4 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:

That's t the problem. This zero-sum game will not have winners. No one party is strong enough to subdue everyone. Even there was such party, it is better to compromise to find lasting solution.

All wasted resources and time could have been used to serve the Somali people

It is true. But adds of compromise is zero before the regional elections. However, if Somalia is going to move somewhere now and in the future, it needs a political winner behind the majority of the people who can lead the country. There is nothing call political census. Countries with leaders from either left or right have shown the most progress in history. Even America is doing better with Trump at least for now.

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Xisbi cusub oo lagu magacaabo dib u socod.

Muhiimadda shirku waa habartii masruufkeeda ku khasaarisay faaliyaha

Sadexda maamul gobaleed oo kale hogaamiyaashoodu waa arday dugsiga hoose hadda loo bilaabay.

Waxaaba ugu yaab badnaa markuu Dr.gaas, shahaadada nabada oo asagu qoray gudoonsiiyay mudane xaaf, kuna abaal mariyay burburintii gal mudug iyo isbaarooyinka kusii badanaya wadada dheer.

Dr. Gaas Waxaa kaliya oo uu doonayaa markii lasoo koobo nuxurka shairka inuu sii qaato, gogol uu ku rafto,doorashada punland ka dib.

Waa intaa casho sharafta iyo marti qaadka loogu yeeray saxaafadda.

Xisbiga dib u socod u malayn maayo inuu sii jirayo doorashadooda ka dib sababtoo ah waxaa la aasaasay wakhti aan wanaagsanayn.

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There are other ways of holding Farmaajo's government accountable. But to gather in Garowe and declare the creation of phantom "army" is just laughable. They resemble a bunch of losers. 

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17 minutes ago, Holac said:

There are other ways of holding Farmaajo's government accountable. But to gather in Garowe and declare the creation of phantom "army" is just laughable. They resemble a bunch of losers. 

What other ways?

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Khudbada axmed madoobe haddaad dhagaysato waxaad fahmaysaa khaladka ay ka fahmeen federaalka iyo waxa federaalka soomaaliya yahayba.

Wuxuu ku sheegay khudbadiisa inay dacwadoodu ugusii dhiibeen golaha sare ee baarlamaanka dawladda dhexe.

Waxaana noogasoo noqday in lagusoo yiri afar wasiir la kulma, asagoo geegees u qoslayana ku tilnaamay in la yasay meekhaankooda madaxweyne nimo.

Bilaa caleekum ninkaa afarta kiintaal oo dhuxusha kismaayo ku hor fadhiya yaa iskala wayn afar wasiir oo federaalka dhexaa.

Mushkiladda waxaa keenay beesha caalamka oo biljam, london iyo berlin ku casuuntay khiyaal aadan sawiri karina madaxooda gelisay ayagoon waligood iskool u kalihin..

Federaalka itoobiya haddii lagu war grliyo kilinka shanaad wasiirka hawwenka yaa idinkusoo wajahan habeenkaas ma seexan jirin madaxda jigjiga ayagoo soo jeedku ka muuqdo bay meel fog uga hor tegi jireen.

Soomaali kala dambayn aan baqdin lahayn ehel uma noqon karto federaalna ma fahmi karaan..



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Of course , no body likes the regional governments, but  destabilizing regions will not benefit Farmaajo.

It took a long time to bring the people of Galmudug to finally find a leadership and some kind of stability. If the leader is waging war or creating conflict within his region or the neighboring regions, you might try to help depose for the interest of peace and stability, but to depose him and fragment Galmudug because he disagrees with you , that is self serving and dangerous.

Furthermore, to use the badly needed salary of the soldiers to use for political purposes I. Besides, if you want to get rid of them or build a united nation, do and finish your Mogadishu home work. Hawsha ku hor taal ka adkow.


On ‎10‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 7:51 AM, Mooge said:

from today, this government is a MOGADISHU ONLY government. it is finished.

I thing Mooge is very generous by saying Mogadishu government. I wish they were in charge of Mogadishu. They  are living like the old colonial governments who secluded themselves with their own zone while the natives live outside. 


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On 10/28/2018 at 2:43 AM, galbeedi said:

I thing Mooge is very generous by saying Mogadishu government. I wish they were in charge of Mogadishu. They  are living like the old colonial governments who secluded themselves with their own zone while the natives live outside. 

Villa AMISom waxa kali ah ee ay u jirtaa waa inay dano laga leeyahay laga fushado. Waa rubberstamp. 


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