
Col Caare attacks Somaliland region forces at Dararweyne, Sanaag

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39 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Colonel caare wa malatari cadhooday he will be compensated and will get another star as rank by president muse biixi.  When the time is right  and trust me he shall protect the Somaliland state and govt as he did before. Waxani wa gacalcun we might even place him give him a nice farm in gabiley. And he can be a commander of the western front of Somaliland.  Somaliland shall prevail no matter what the cost . Somaliland is already recognized  defacto and semi since we deal with allot of nations in the world the last  UAE deal should give you a clear hint where this is going. Salaxow if you are a Somalilander which I doubt. Since oday Oodweyne has a clear doubt about your ancestry  either way  treenku yanu kategin adeer. Tani 1991 bay dhaqaaqday.


Khiyaali ba ku noshahay niyohow.  Caare is from Ceel Afweyn muxu ku falaaya Gabiley?  deegaankiisa ka weyn oo ku filan.  Ceel Afweyn district is 6 times the size of entire Gabiley district.  :D   Ta labaad Caare is not bila abaal.  It is very unlikely him and his boys will ever  fight Puntland again ariintas way dhamatay.  The only enemy is Jeegaanta.

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1 hour ago, maakhiri1 said:

It seems Col Caare is more determined than Puntland.

It is a dance off what Col. Caare is doing. 

But for Puntland to do the same, they will be pushed out of their last hide out in Tog Qaboobe. 

The last two skirmesh in Tukaraq area was done by a desparate local Colnel called Falaalug. He will be given the run around until he tires himself and gives up. 

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8 hours ago, Suldaanka said:

It is a dance off what Col. Caare is doing. 

But for Puntland to do the same, they will be pushed out of their last hide out in Tog Qaboobe. 

The last two skirmesh in Tukaraq area was done by a desparate local Colnel called Falaalug. He will be given the run around until he tires himself and gives up. 


Dararweyne is not Las Anod or Tukaraq with divided loyalties.   Its people support Caare. If you try anything bakhtiigiina dhuulka laga qadaya.  :)

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Caare  is a man who served Somaliland for over 20 years I don't mind if ceelafweyb is 150 times the size of gabiley. Colonel  caare is our son oo cadhooday and he will be back to the fold of Somaliland. He wants to be compensated by the Somaliland govt. His militia will be 're integrated with in the Somaliland miilitary. Askari cadhooda wala arki jiray its nothing new. The ceelafweyn conflict is over the brotherly clans are at peace with themselves and each other. Somaliland will push towards ceelaayo and dhahar adiguna waxad kasheekeyneysa meel soke. Nobody needs to fight the pirate enclave.  The pirate enclave is totally defeated earlier this year.

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4 hours ago, Saalax said:


Dararweyne is not Las Anod or Tukaraq with divided loyalties.   Its people support Caare. If you try anything bakhtiigiina dhuulka laga qadaya.  :)

Do not worry about the local Laaska clans. I am talking about Maamulka Garowe. If they make another mistake, Somaliland Army will be eating lunch inside Garowe. :D

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22 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Caare  is a man who served Somaliland for over 20 years I don't mind if ceelafweyb is 150 times the size of gabiley. Colonel  caare is our son oo cadhooday and he will be back to the fold of Somaliland. He wants to be compensated by the Somaliland govt. His militia will be 're integrated with in the Somaliland miilitary. Askari cadhooda wala arki jiray its nothing new. The ceelafweyn conflict is over the brotherly clans are at peace with themselves and each other. Somaliland will push towards ceelaayo and dhahar adiguna waxad kasheekeyneysa meel soke. Nobody needs to fight the pirate enclave.  The pirate enclave is totally defeated earlier this year.


Caare and his army traveled 150 km  deep inside the supposed "Somaliland region" to attack the Somaliland forces base in Dararweyne. So what border are you talking about? :D

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