
Col Caare attacks Somaliland region forces at Dararweyne, Sanaag

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War Deg Deg Ah:Jabhada Caare Oo Weerar culus Ku Qaaday Maleeshiyaadka Jeegaanta.

Oct 25, 2018

Ciidamada Jabhada West Burco Clan ee uu hogaaminayo korneyl caare aya dagaal ku soo qaaday fadhiisinka ciidanka huwanta jegeenta xalayto markay saacadu ahayd 3:00Habeenimo ayuu soo galay deegamo ka tirsan ceel afweyn gaar ahaan dararweyne.

Si kastaba ha ahaatee Ciidamado uu watey kornayl caare oo markaas weheliyaan gaadi tiro badan ayaa waxa usuurta gashay In uu gabi ahaanba gacanta ku dhigo Saldhiga dararweyne kadibna uu halkaas ka sii daayay dhamaan maxaabiisti ku xidhnaa waxaanu halkaas jogeen jabhadu mudo saacada ah waxaana wararku xaqiijiyeen in weerarka hore caare lahaa balse markii dambe caare sameeyay arinta loo yaqaan dib ugurasho xeelad dagaal,

Iskusoo duubo majiro khasaare soo gaadhay jabhada Caare Sida u noo sheegay Saraal jabhada Kamid ah , waxaana laga yaaba isla Saacadaha soo socda in weerar Culus lagu qaado fadhisimaha kale ciidanka huwanta jegeenta.

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6 minutes ago, Suldaanka said:

Goolaaftanka Col. Caare ayay doqontu run mooday. :D 



What happened to "Caare isn't going to do anything talk" the farmers of Gabiley use to entertain themselves with in this forum?  :D   

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1 minute ago, Saalax said:


What happened to "Caare isn't going to do anything talk" the farmers of Gabiley use to entertain themselves with in this forum?  :D   

I know I will have the last laugh. :D 

Col. Caare is Somalilander. I have no doubt that he will be back to his camrades. 

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3 minutes ago, Suldaanka said:

I know I will have the last laugh. :D 

Col. Caare is Somalilander. I have no doubt that he will be back to his camrades. 

Just like ictiraaf will come somaha.  Khiyaali ba ku jirta.

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1 minute ago, Saalax said:

Just like ictiraaf will come somaha.  Khiyaali ba ku jirta.

Ictrifaaku adiga ayu kula waynyahay. Hadii ictiraaf wax taraayo Mogadishu AMISom ma joogteen. South Sudan qaxoonti ma ahaateen.

Ictrifaacka waxa ka wayn, kalsoonida aad naftaada ku qabtid. Reer Somaliland have spades of that. 

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9 minutes ago, Suldaanka said:

Ictrifaaku adiga ayu kula waynyahay. Hadii ictiraaf wax taraayo Mogadishu AMISom ma joogteen. South Sudan qaxoonti ma ahaateen.

Ictrifaacka waxa ka wayn, kalsoonida aad naftaada ku qabtid. Reer Somaliland have spades of that. 


I am glad you realize Somaliland region will never have ictiraaf. Marka caruurta aad maskaxda ka xadaysan joojiya  ee lagu sheekeyo wadan ba nahay iyo ictiraaf ba imanaya.  :D

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Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Sanaag Oo Ka Hadlay Weerar Xalay Kornayl Caarre Ku Soo Qaaday Deegaano Ka Tirsan Degmada Ceel-afweyn

 | October 25, 2018

Ceerigaabo ( Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Sanaag Oo Ka Hadlay Weerar Xalay Kornayl Caarre Ku Soo Qaaday Deegaano Ka Tirsan Degmada Ceel-afweyn,

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Colonel caare wa malatari cadhooday he will be compensated and will get another star as rank by president muse biixi.  When the time is right  and trust me he shall protect the Somaliland state and govt as he did before. Waxani wa gacalcun we might even place him give him a nice farm in gabiley. And he can be a commander of the western front of Somaliland.  Somaliland shall prevail no matter what the cost . Somaliland is already recognized  defacto and semi since we deal with allot of nations in the world the last  UAE deal should give you a clear hint where this is going. Salaxow if you are a Somalilander which I doubt. Since oday Oodweyne has a clear doubt about your ancestry  either way  treenku yanu kategin adeer. Tani 1991 bay dhaqaaqday.

  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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