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Would you marry cadaanka?

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No, I don't mean me(well OK, I do mean me :D ) but seriously, would you amrry a white person, or any other race for that matter? Speak your mind, you won;t hurt my feelings if you say no......

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The blacker the berry the sweeter the juice, I say the darker the flesh then the deeper the roots

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If I was single and looking, I would marry a white guy, only if he had:

Brad Pitts.....very sexy eyes and hair

The Rock's....Biceps

George Clooney' and lips

Bill Gate'

Mathhew McConaughey's.....ABs and butt

Jim Carey's.......humour


Ferran Adrià' skills.

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^^^Honey even if you was not single or looking and such guy existed, waad laa caaririd laaheed, we'd never see you again, let alone your farax :D lol just kidding

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hey, come to think of it, I have 3 things out of that list.. not bad @ all :D . I wouldn't trade them in for anything else. @ Ibty.


No running for this Xalimo.

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Caadan,if the brother is a God fearing ,practises his deen and is down with my intrusive/crazy/demanding family then by all means I dont see why not!


But its a matter of preference and attraction too,I for one love caramel filled chocolates.. ;) and also its too late to go all creamy white now!.. smile.gif

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Heck Yeah


As long as he is muslim and practicing one, he is welcome...Honestly, looking at the type of guys I found attractive, I would say I am partial to white males

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looool@Cadaanka, you have truely become a up to the old tricks of the odayaals :D (not that im saying you are odey) ....yaab!


Ladies,if aabihiin were near, you would have all been bethrothed to Cadaanka. :D


PS: Cadaanka, geela soo diyaari hee,the rest will be arranged by SOLs resident Odayaal. ;)

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