Xaaji Xunjuf

Axmed abiye and his amxara superiors force galla president to resign

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Ethiopia lawmakers to appoint new president: state media


Thursday October 25, 2018

Ethiopian President Mulatu Teshome stepped down though no official reason has been given for his resignation

Ethiopian lawmakers on Thursday will meet to appoint a new president, a largely ceremonial post in the Horn of Africa nation, the state-affiliated Fana Broadcasting Corporate reported.

A session involving both houses of parliament is expected to hear and formally accept the resignation of current President Mulatu Teshome who has served in the post for the last five years.

No reason has been given for his expected resignation but observers speculate it was the outcome of continued negotiations between the four parties in the ruling coalition, the Ethiopian People Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF).

In April the EPRDF appointed Abiy Ahmed the first prime minister from the Oromo ethnic group, the country's largest, who has led a programme of reforms, making peace with former enemy Eritrea and reconciling with various opposition groups.

Abiy recently appointed a new cabinet, with half of all posts going to women.

Mulatu is the third president of Ethiopia since it formally adopted multiparty politics and a new constitution in 1995. The two former presidents were Negasso Gidada who served from 1995 to 2001 and Girma Wolde-Giorgis who served from 2001 to 2013.

Under the Ethiopian constitution the president is given a maximum of a two terms of six years each. Mulatu had one more year left in his first term.

Ethiopia follows a parliamentary system that places the majority of powers in the hands of the legislature and prime minister, with the presidency a largely symbolic post.

Abiy's reforms included ending two decades of conflict with neighbouring Eritrea, releasing jailed dissidents, welcoming formerly banned groups back into the country and announcing plans to privatise major state-owned industries.

He took office after anti-government protests began in late 2015 by Ethiopia's two largest ethnic groups against the heavy-handed rule of the EPRDF.

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Zewde as president

Thursday October 25, 2018

Ethiopia’s parliament approved Sahle-Work Zewde as the country’s new president, the first woman to hold the post.

Sahle-Work is at present U.N. under secretary general and special representative of the secretary general to the African Union. She replaces Mulatu Teshome Wirtu, who tendered his resignation to parliament earlier on Wednesday. 

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She  was also the former Ethiopian ambassador to Jabuuti in the 1990s it seems  Axmed abiye is reaching out to his Abyssinian cousins particularly the  amxaras. His deputy is already amxara now the president is also one. But he also is very woman friendly he is playing to the west that woman get an equal part in Ethiopia. Not sure what qeero reaction is to this and maxammad jawar the galla nationalist from caruusa. I think lemme meqershe is on board with these policies of Axmed abiye since they are wollegey gallas in the western part of Ethiopia. Now lets wait what 2019 brings.

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