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Fears Phobias: A to Z

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Fears & Phobias: A to Z


Here's a list of some of the most popular and unusual phobias:



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Ablutophobia - Fear of washing or bathing

Acarophobia - Fear of small objects

Achluophobia - Fear of darkness (also known as Lygophobia and Nyctophobia)

Acousticophobia - Fear of noise

Acrophobia - Fear of heights (also known as Altophobia)

Aelurophobia - Fear of cats (also known as Ailurophobia, Elurophobia, Felinophobia and Galeophobia)

Aeroacrophobia - Fear of open, high places

Aeronausiphobia - Fear of airplanes; vomiting due to airsickness

Aerophagia - Fear of swallowing air

Aerophobia - Fear of air, drafts, gases, and harmful fumes

Agoraphobia - Fear of the outdoors and open spaces

Agraphobia - Fear of sexual abuse (also known as Contreltophobia)

Agrizoophobia - Fear of wild animals

Aichmophobia - Fear of needles and pins (also know as Belonophobia)

Aichurophobia - Fear of being touched by pointed objects

Albuminurophobia - Fear of kidney disease

Alchyiphobia - Fear of failure

Alektorophobia - Fear of chickens

Algophobia - Fear of pain (also know as Odynophobia )

Alinunphobia - Fear of garlic

Allodoxophobia - Fear of opinions

Amathophobia - Fear of dust

Amnesiphoia - Fear of amnesia

Amaxophobia - Fear of riding in vehicles

Ambulophobia - Fear of walking

Amychophobia - Fear of being scratched

Androphobia - Fear of men (also known as Arrhenphobia and Hominophobia)

Anglophobia - Fear of England, the English language, or the English culture

Anthophobia - Fear of flowers

Anuptaphobia - Fear of staying single

Aphenphosmphobia - Fear of being touched

Apiphobia - Fear of bees

Arachibutyrophobia - Fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth

Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders

Arithmophobia - Fear of numbers

Asthenaphobia - Fear of weakness

Ataxiophobia - Fear of disorder

Aurophobia - Fear of gold

Automysophobia - Fear of being dirty

Autophobia - Fear of being alone or of oneself (also known as Eremiphobia, Eremophobia and Monophobia)

Aviatophobia - Fear of flying



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Bacillophobia - Fear of microbes

Bacteriophobia - Fear of bacteria

Ballistrophobia - Fear of being shot

Barophobia - Fear of gravity

Basophobia - Fear of standing (also known as Stasiphobia)

Bathophobia - Fear of depth

Batophobia - Fear of being close to high buildings

Batrachophobia - Fear of amphibians, such as frogs, etc.

Bibliophobia - Fear of books

Blenophobia - Fear of pins and needles

Blenuophobia - Fear of slime

Bogyphobia - Fear of demons and goblins

Botonophobia - Fear of plants

Bromidrosiphobia - Fear of body smells (also known as Osphresiophobia)

Brontophobia - Fear of thunder and lightning



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Cacophobia - Fear of ugliness

Cainophobia - Fear of novelty

Caligynephobia - Fear of beautiful women (also known as Venustaphobia)

Cancerophobia - Fear of cancer

Cardiophobia - Fear of heart disease

Carnophobia - Fear of meat

Catagelophobia - Fear of being ridiculed

Catapedophobia - Fear of jumping from high and low places

Cathisophobia - Fear of sitting

Catophtrophobia - Fear of mirrors

Cheimaphobia - Fear of the cold, being cold, cold things, or of cold air

Cherophobia - Fear of happiness

Chionophobia - Fear of snow

Chiraptophobia - Fear of being touched

Chorophobia - Fear of dancing

Chrematophobia - Fear of wealth

Chromophobia - Fear of colours

Chronophobia - Fear of time

Cibophobia - Fear of food

Claustrophobia - Fear of enclosed/confined spaces

Cleptophobia - Fear of stealing

Climacophobia - Fear of staircases

Clinophobia - Fear of beds or going to bed

Coitophobia - Fear of coitus

Coprophobia - Fear of excrement/feaces (Also known as Scatophobia)

Cremnophobia - Fear of precipices

Crystallophobia - Fear of glass

Cybergphobia - Fear of computers

Cyclophobia - Fear of bicycles

Cynophobia - Fear of dogs or rabies :D

Cyprianophobia - Fear of prostitutes or sexually transmitted diseases (also known as Cypridophobia)



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Decidophobia - Fear of making decisions

Dementophobia - Fear of insanity (also known as Maniaphobia)

Demophobia - Fear of crowds

Dendrophobia - Fear of trees

Dentophobia - Fear of dentists

Didaskaleinophobia - Fear of going to school

Dikephobia - Fear of justice

Diplopiaphobia - Fear of double vision

Diplychiphobia - Fear of accidents

Dipsophobia - Fear of drinking

Dishabillophobia - Fear of undressing in front of someone

Domatophobia - Fear of being in a house

Doraphobia - Fear of animal skins

Dromophobia - Fear of crossing streets

Dysmorphophobia - Fear of deformity



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Ecclesiophobia - Fear of church

Ecophobia - Fear of home

Eisoptrophobia - Fear of mirrors, or of seeing yourself in a mirror

Electrophobia - Fear of electricity

Emetophobia - Fear of vomiting

Enissophobia - Fear of sin

Enochlophobia - Fear of crowds

Entomophobia - Fear of insects

Eosophobia - Fear of dawn or daylight (also known as Esophobia)

Epistaxiophobia - Fear of nosebleeds

Equinophobia - Fear of horses

Ergasophobia - Fear of work

Erotophobia - Fear of sexual feelings

Ereuthrophobia - Fear of blushing or the colour red (also known as Erythrophobia and Erytophobia)



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Febriphobia - Fear of fever

Frigophobia - Fear of the cold, or cold things



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Gallophobia - Fear of France/French, etc.

Gamophobia - Fear of marriage

Gatophobia - Fear of cats

Geliophobia - Fear of laughter

Geniophobia - Fear of chins

Genophobia - Fear of sex

Genuphobia - Fear of knees

Gephyrophobia - Fear of bridges

Gerascophobia - Fear of growing old

Germanophobia - Fear of Germany/Germans, etc.

Glossophobia - Fear of speaking in public

Graphophobia - Fear of writing

Gymnophobia - Fear of nudity

Gynophobia - Fear of women



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Hadephobia - Fear of hell

Hagiophobia - Fear of saints and the holy

Halophobia - Fear of speaking

Hamatophobia - Fear of error or sin

Haphephobia - Fear of being touched

Harbaxophobia - Fear of being robbed

Hedonophobia - Fear of feeling pleasure

Heliophobia - Fear of sunlight

Hellenologophobia - Fear of Greek terms

Helminthophobia - Fear of worms

Hemophobia - Fear of blood (also known as Hematophobia)

Herpetophobia - Fear of reptiles

Heterophobia - Fear of the opposite sex (also known as Sexophobia)

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - Fear of long words!

Hodophobia - Fear of travel

Homichlophobia - Fear of fog

Homilophobia - Fear of sermons

Homophobia - Fear of homosexuality

Hoplophobia - Fear of firearms

Hormephobia - Fear of shock

Hydrophobia - Fear of water

Hydrophobophobia - Fear of rabies

Hygrophobia - Fear of dampness, or of humidity

Hylephobia - Fear of epilepsy

Hylophobia - Fear of forests

Hypengyophobia - Fear of responsibility (also known as Paralipophobia)

Hypnophobia - Fear of sleep, or of being hypnotised



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Iatrophobia - Fear of going to the doctor, or of doctors

Icthyophobia - Fear of fish

Insectophobia - Fear of insects

Iophobia - Fear of poisons or rust

Isolophobia - Fear of solitude

Isopterophobia - Fear of termites



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None we could find.



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Kainophobia - Fear of anything new

Kakorrhaphiophobia - Fear of failure or defeat

Kenophobia - Fear of large, empty spaces

Kinesophobia - Fear of motion

Kopophobia - Fear of mental or physical examination

Kymophobia - Fear of waves

Kyphophobia - Fear of stooping



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Lachanophobia - Fear of vegetables

Laliophobia - Fear of talking/speaking

Lenkophobia - Fear of the colour white

Lepraphobia - Fear of leprosy

Levophobia - Fear of things at the left side of the body

Ligyrophobia - Fear of loud noises

Lilapsophobia - Fear of tornadoe and hurricanes

Limnophobia - Fear of lakes

Linonaphobia - Fear of string

Lockiophobia - Fear of childbirth (also known as Maieusiophobia, Parturiphobia and Tocophobia)

Lyssophobia - Fear of going insane



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Macrophobia - Fear of long waits

Mageirocophobia - Fear of cooking

Mehalophobia - Fear of large things

Melissophobia - Fear of bees or insects

Meningitophobia - Fear of brain disease

Merinthophobia - Fear of being bound

Metallophobia - Fear of metals

Methyphobia - Fear of alcohol

Metrophobia - Fear of poetry

Mnemophobia - Fear of memories

Molysomophobia - Fear of infection

Monophobia - Fear of being alone

Motorphobia - Fear of motor vehicles

Murophobia - Fear of mice

Musicophobia - Fear of music

Myrecophobia - Fear of ants



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Necrophobia - Fear of corpses

Nephophobia - Fear of clouds

Noctiphobia - Fear of night

Nosocomephobia - Fear of hospitals

Nosophobia - Fear of becoming ill

Novercaphobia - Fear of stepmothers

Nucleomitophobia - Fear of nuclear weapons



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Obesophobia - Fear of gaining weight

Ochlophobia - Fear of crowds (also known as Demophobia)

Odontophobia - Fear of teeth, especially animal teeth

Oenophobia - Fear of wine

Olfactophobia - Fear of smells

Ombrophobia - Fear of rain

Ommatophobia - Fear of eyes

Oneirophobia - Fear of dreams

Onomatophobia - Fear of a certain word or name

Onranophobia - Fear of heaven

Ophidiophobia - Fear of snakes

Opthalmophobia - Fear of being stared at

Ornithophobia - Fear of birds

Orthophobia - Fear of property

Osmophobia - Fear of smells

Ostraconophobia - Fear of shellfish



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Pagophobia - Fear of ice or frost

Panphobia - Fear of anything and everything

Papaphobia - Fear of the pope or the papacy

Papyrophobia - Fear of paper

Paraphobia - Fear of sexual perversion

Parthenophobia - Fear of young girls

Patroiophobia - Fear of heredity

Peccatiphobia - Fear of sinning

Pediaphobia - Fear of dolls

Pedophobia - Fear of children

Peladophobia - Fear of bald people or of becoming bald

Peniaphobia - Fear of poverty

Pentheraphobia - Fear of mothers -in -law

Phengophobia - Fear of daylight

Phagophobia - Fear of eating or swallowing

Phallophobia - Fear of a penis

Pharmacophobia - Fear of drugs

Phasmophobia - Fear of ghosts

Phengophobia - Fear of daylight

Philemophobia - Fear of kissing

Philophobia - Fear of falling in love or being loved

Phobophobia - Fear of fear

Phonophobia - Fear of noise

Photophobia - Fear of light

Phronemophobia - Fear of thinking

Phthiriophobia - Fear of lice or parasites

Phthisiophobia - Fear of tuberculosis

Pluviophobia - Fear of rain

Pnigophobia - Fear of choking or being smothered

Pogonophobia - Fear of beards or men with beards

Poinephobia - Fear of punishment

Ponophobia - Fear of fatigue

Porphyrophobia - Fear of the colour purple

Potomophobia - Fear of rivers

Proctophobia - Fear of the rectum, or of rectal diseases (also known as Rectophobia)

Prosophobia - Fear of progress

Pryexiophobia - Fear of having fevers

Psellismophobia - Fear of stuttering

Pteronophobia - Fear of feathers

Pyrophobia - Fear of fire



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None we could find.



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Rhabdophobia - Fear of criticism, punishment, or being beaten

Rhytiphobia - Fear of getting wrinkles

Rupophobia - Fear of dirt (also known as Rhypophobia)

Russophobia - Fear of Russia/Russian, etc.



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Satanophobia - Fear of Satan

Scriptophobia - Fear of writing in public

Selaphobia - Fear of flashing light

Selenophobia - Fear of the moon

Siderodromophobia - Fear of trains, or of train travel

Siderophobia - Fear of the stars

Sinophobia - Fear of China/Chinese, etc.

Skiaphobia - Fear of shadows

Soceraphobia - Fear of parents -in -law

Sociophobia - Fear of society, or of people in general

Somniphobia - Fear of sleep

Sophophobia - Fear of knowledge and learning

Soteriophobia - Fear of dependence on others

Spectrophobia - Fear of looking in the mirror

Spheksophobia - Fear of wasps

Staurophobia - Fear of crosses or crucifixes

Stenophobia - Fear of narrow places

Stygiophobia - Fear of hell

Suriphobia - Fear of mice

Symmetrophobia - Fear of symmetry

Syngenesophobia - Fear of relatives



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Tacophobia - Fear of speed

Taeniophobia - Fear of tapeworms

Taphephobia - Fear of cemeteries

Taphophobia - Fear of being buried alive

Tapinophobia - Fear of small things

Teleophobia - Fear of religious ceremonies

Telephonophobia - Fear of using telephones

Tetmophobia - Fear of lockjaw or tetanus

Thalassophobia - Fear of the sea

Thanatophobia - Fear of death, dying

Thassophobia - Fear of sitting idle

Theatrophobia - Fear of theaters

Theophobia - Fear of God

Thermophobia - Fear of heat

Tomophobia - Fear of surgical operations

Topophobia - Fear of certain places

Tremophobia - Fear of trembling

Trichophobia - Fear of hair (Trichotillomania is the urge to pull your own hair out)

Triskaidekaphobia - Fear of the number 13

Tropophobia - Fear of changes

Trypanophobia - Fear of injections



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Uranophobia - Fear of heaven

Urophobia - Fear of urine, or of urinating



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Vaccinophobia - Fear of vaccines

Verbaphobia - Fear of words

Verminophobia - Fear of germs

Vestiphobia - Fear of clothing

Virginitiphobia - Fear of rape

Vitricophobia - Fear of stepfathers



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None we could find.



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Xenophobia - Fear of strangers or foreigners

Xerophobia - Fear of dry places, like deserts

Xylophobia - Fear of forests



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None we could find.



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Zelophobia - Fear of jealousy

Zoophobia - Fear of animals



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Ms DD   

The list is too long but these ridiculous phobias exist?


Ablutophobia - Fear of washing or bathing


Aerophagia - Fear of swallowing air (can one swallow air?)


I came accros few ladies with this ailment: Androphobia - Fear of men


I think the whole list could have been summerised as 'Fear of life'.

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Ms DD   

Some people really do have Phronemophobia - Fear of thinking


Somalis could have this: Prosophobia - Fear of progress


Bush/Blair have Pogonophobia - Fear of beards or men with beards

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She said >>I have fear of phobiaphobia,- fear of fears, and was correcting her. that is all. Baqdi ma jirto,waxa aan list ka fiirshay bal wax iga bajiya...and i find these


Ophidiophobia - Fear of snakes

Cynophobia - Fear of dogs or rabies

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hydrophobia- fear of water

Achluophobia - Fear of darkness

Acrophobia - Fear of heights


reasonable fears...

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Parthenophobia - Fear of young girls

Patroiophobia - Fear of heredity

Peccatiphobia - Fear of sinning

Pediaphobia - Fear of dolls

Pedophobia - Fear of children

Peladophobia - Fear of bald people or of becoming bald

Pentheraphobia - Fear of mothers -in -law

Phengophobia - Fear of daylight

Phagophobia - Fear of eating or swallowing

Phallophobia - Fear of a penis

Pharmacophobia - Fear of drugs

Phasmophobia - Fear of ghosts

Phengophobia - Fear of daylight

Philemophobia - Fear of kissing

Philophobia - Fear of falling in love or being loved


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