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Missing girl coverage

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This little girl is doing my head in, I cannot watch the news, read the papers without coming across this child, yes it is sad, yes it happened, and I feel for her parents, but why or why do I have to see her everywhere I go??? This morning there were people on the street collecting names of support and donation, not to mention the news, papers, magz, internet, articles, e-mails,


Why is she more important than the million kids that die all over the place, how come her life is worth more than everyone else, and her parents grieve is heavier than the grieve that all other parents feel at the lose of their child?.


AND FINALLY I'm the only one who thinks her parents should be charged and arrested for child negligence, not praised and paroled around. They should be utterly ashamed and regretful. How can you leave your children at home while both you and your husband go to get food and drink (I don't care if it was across the road) :mad: It should be against the law for people who cannot take care of their kids to have kids. :mad:

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Yes whilst I feel sorry for this child I can’t feel sorry for the parents. I mean they must be kicking themselves to leave 3 young children unattended whilst you eat nearby. So what if they checked on them every half an hour? Can they see through the walls? I think not! AND the hotel manager said they had done it more than once. I also heard there was a warning of a paedophile in the area two weeks earlier.


I also think it’s wrong to offer reward, maybe more kids will be kidnapped in an attempt to get money out of it. If the guy (I’m assuming he is a guy) wanted money he would have kidnapped a rich kid.


Anyway, I hope they do find her safe.

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Number one coverage for this girl is: Sky News, they got 24 hour coverage of this girl, they brought more than 10 of their reporters to Portugal and Spain.



Shaqa la'aantii baa ka badatey, that is what happens when a Televison Network runs out of news, they could re-play the Blair election of 1997, they always like to show that.

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^^Lool tell me baout it. I guess if she was black or Asian she would not even have made it to the last page in the newspaper :rolleyes:





^^I guess only people in the UK are suffering with this bombardment :rolleyes:



I too hope they find her safe, and yes i do agree, because all these rich people offering money are not going to do the same for every child!

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Have you ever seen Brit parents walking around the city with their kids walking like half a mile behind them? Come on pettle they shout back.


Waan layaabijiray walaahay :rolleyes:

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The parents took a hell of a risk to leave three under 5's alone in a flat.Why couldnt they order a take away like many of us, housebond parents without babysitters?.Their actions was of negligence!


I hope they find her, but after 12 days the chances of her being alive are slim.


The British love the drama,what a sad bunch of people..hyped about anything and every thing...

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I am so glad ppl are outraged about the behaviour of the parents, seriously leaving 3 children unattended asleep in a room in a foreign country is irresponsible beyond belief.


I wonder if the ppl writing the newspapers feel this way but because of sensitivty cannot comment on the parents behaviour.


Inshallah we all hope the little girl is found safe and whoever dat crazy person is is locked up promto.

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