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Naxar Nugaaleed

Need to translate this for seminar

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and i can't spell Somali for... so if you can, help.




What Are Your Rights as a


When filling out the I-9 form, an employer


▼ask you to show specific documents, or refuse

to accept valid documents

▼ask ONLY foreign-looking or sounding

individuals, or immigrants, to fill out the I-9


▼refuse to accept documents with a future

expiration date

▼refuse to accept receipts of valid documents

As an employee, you also have the right to

challenge an employer if s/he:

▼refuses to hire you, or fires you, because you

look or sound foreign, or because of your

immigration status.

▼refuses to hire you, or fires you, because s/he

requires from you a knowledge of English that

is not necessary to do the job you are applying


All of these employer actions are ILLEGAL.

They are discriminatory practices. If you have

been denied--or lost--work for any of these

reasons, call the Office of Special Counsel

(OSC) in the U.S. Department of Justice.




If you would like to file a charge

of discrimination, have any

questions about filling out the

I-9 form or about worker

protections under the law,

contact the:

Office of Special Counsel (OSC)

1-800 255-7688; TDD for hearing impaired:


U.S. Department of Justice

Civil Rights Division—NYA rm 9000

Office of Special Counsel

For Immigration-Related

Unfair Employment Practices

950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW

Washington, DC 20530

For more information about

immigration documents, contact:

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services 1-800-375-5283




U.S. Department of Justice

Civil Rights Division

Office of Special Counsel

for Immigration-Related

Unfair Employment Practices

If You Have The

Right To Work,

Don’t Let Anyone

Take It Away.




What Do You Need to Know to

Fill out the I-9 Form?

▼ You can CHOOSE which documents to present

as proof of your right to work in the United States,

as long as these documents are listed on the reverse

of the I-9 form. Employers CANNOT DEMAND

to see specific documents, such as a "green card,"

and they CANNOT REFUSE to accept the

documents that you present.

▼ The documents you show must establish two

things: your IDENTITY and your RIGHT TO

WORK IN THE U.S. One document from

Group A is enough to prove both identity and

work authorization. If you do not present one of

these documents, you must show one document

from Group B to establish your identity and one

document from Group C to establish your work



YOU because your work authorization has a future

expiration date. Your employer must reverify

your work authorization by asking to see valid

work documents on or before the expiration

date. For this reverification of your work

authorization, you can also CHOOSE which

documents to present to the employer.




If You Receive an E-Verify TNC

▼ If the information you provide on the I-9 form

does NOT match information contained in

Social Security Administration (SSA) or

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

databases, E-Verify will generate a

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got rid of six so hopefully its shorter. by the way, translating the difficult words would be very helpful.

Poker, my job is not translation, told you i can't even spell the language. none the less the poor NGO i work for will have seminar with the help of the justice department. worse comes to worse, i will do my best and they can have a good lough.

btw, this is plea for help, stop being confrontational.

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Ok then ,, just tell me the difficult words without posting everything here .......


You probably make a list of the difficult words you need to translate ,,,,,,,

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Justice: Caddaalad


Form: Foom


Employer: Qofka ama Shirkadda loo shaqeeyo (Loo Shaqeeye)


Discriminatory Practice: Faquuqid


File a Charge: Dacwad xerayn


Worker Protections: Difaaca Shaqaalaha (dhowrista Shaqaalaha)

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Damn, I didn't know my somali was that limited.


All I can tanslate with "confidence" is JUSTICE which can change with respect of its content.



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This is what i got so far, if you can give it a quick read I'd appreciate jb. how on earth do you say documents in somali. Just kept using documintiyo, imagining the somali pronunciation in my head.



Shaqala ahan, xaq maxad uu leedahay?


Marka aad booxiniyso foomka I-9, shaqa bixiyuhu ma samayn karo:


* weydiin documentiyo gaar ah ama diido documintiyo sax ah

* weydiin dadka uu eeg ajnebi ama uu hadal eeg ajnebi uun in ay booxiyaan foomka I-9

* diido qaadashada documintiyo aan wali dicin


* diido qaadashada caddeynta documentiyo sax ah



Shaqale ahan waxad waliba xaq uu leedahay in aad dacweyset hadee


* Shaqo lugu diido ama laga fadhiisiyo sabab ah ajnebi ayad uu eegtahay ama uu hadal eegtahay

* Shaqo lugu diido ama laga fadhiisiyo sabab ah aqoon Af ingriisiga ka badan inta ay shaqadu uu bahantahay



Waxyabaha kor ku qoron oo dan waa sharcidaro. Waa Faquuqid. Hadee lagu diidey ama laga qaadey shaqo sababna looga degey waxyabaha kor ku qoron, waxad la hadlee karta xafiiska la yeedhahdo Special Counsel (OSC) oo ku yaal wasaarada Caddaalada ee maraykanka ama U.S. Department of Justice.



Hadee aad rabto in aad xareyso dacwad ku sabsan Faquuqid,

su'aal ka qabto booxinta foomka I-9 ama

dhowrista Shaqaalaha ee sharciga, waxad la hadlee karta:

Xafiiska Special Counsel (OSC)

1-800 255-7688; maqalku hadu kugu adag yahay:



U.S. Department of Justice

Civil Rights Division—NYA rm 9000

Office of Special Counsel

For Immigration-Related

Unfair Employment Practices

950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW

Washington, DC 20530


Macluumaad inta dheer oo ku sabsan

Documintiyada immigration-ka, waxad ka helesa:

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services 1-800-375-5283



Wasaarada Caddaalada ee Maraykanka

Qeybteeda Xaquugal madaniga

Xafiiska Qunsulka Khaaska

oo la xiriira Immigration-ka

ku daqanka shaqaleeysinta xaqdarada


Mar Hadee aad xaq uu

leedahay Shaqeenta,

Cidna Ha Uu Ogalan

In Ay Ka Qaado.



Booxinta Foomka I-9

Aqoon Noce bey uu bahan tahay?


▼ Documintiyada kuwa aad rabtid ayad ku caddeyn karta in aad xaq uu leeddahay shaqeenta ,

hadee ay documintiyadu yeheen kuwa ku qoran foomka dinicisa dambe.

Kuwa shaqada bixinaya kugu ma qasbi karaan

documentiyo gaar ah, sida "green card,"

Mana DIIDI KARAAN qaadashada Documentiyada

aad keentid.

▼ documentyada aad keentid waa in ay asaasaan laba

wax: qofka aad tahay iyo in aad xaq uu leedahay in

aad maraykanka gudihiisa ka shaqayset. Hal document dinaca

Kuwa A aya ku filan caadeynta qoofka aad tahay iyo in shaqo lagu

ogol yahay. hadee aadan keenen mid ka mid ah

documentyadan, waa in aad keenta mid kuwa B ah oo aasaasa qofka aad tahay

iyo mid ka mid ah C oo aasaasa in shaqo lagu ogal yahay.

▼ Shaqo-bixiyuhu ma ku diido karaan shaqo sabab ah

warqada ama documentiga caddeynaya in shaqo lagu ogal yahay

aya waqti aan la gareen dacaya.

Kuwa shaqada ku seenaya waa in ay hubsadan

in lagu ogal yahay shaqo oo ey ku weydeyaan

in ay arkan documentiyo ama caddeyn sax ah

oo an wali dicin. Ku noqoshadan ogolanshada shaqaleeysentada

hadana xaq waxad uu leedahay in aad kala doraated documentiyada kuwa

aad isticmaaleyset.

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NN, I will look into it more later, but try to make some spelling check. Booxinta=buuxinta, eeg= eg, diido=diidmo or diiddo. Shaqale=shaqaale, waxad=waxaad. You have got more misspelled words than initially assumed, so I will double check later tonight.

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JB I expected more from you form isnt a somali word. Let me give a try



Form is maclumaad

Workers rights is Xuquuqda Shaqaalaha

Discrimination is is fuquuqid but takoor is used more frequently.

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I will correct the misspell words to my best...

Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:




Shaqaale ahaan, xaq maxaad u leedahay?


Marka aad buuxineyso foomka I-9, shaqo bixiyuhu ma samayn karo:


* weyddiin documentiyo gaar ah ama diidmo documintiyo sax ah

* weyddiin dadka uu eg ajinebi ama u hadal eg ajinebi uun in ay buuxiyaan foomka I-9

* diidmo qaadashada documintiyo aan wali dhicin


* diidmo qaadashada caddeynta documentiyo sax ah



Shaqaale ahaan waxaad waliba xaq u leedahay in aad dacweysid haddii:


* Shaqo laguu diido ama lagaa fadhiisiyo sabab ah ajinebi ayaad u egtahay ama u hadal egtahay

* Shaqo laguu diido ama lagaa fadhiisiyo sabab ah aqoon Af ingriisiga ka badan inta ay shaqadu u baahantahay



Waxyaabaha kor ku qoran oo dhan waa sharci darro, waa Faquuqid. Haddii laguu diidey ama lagaa qaaday shaqo, sababna looga dhigay waxyaabaha kor ku qoran, waxaad la hadli kartaa xafiiska la yiraahdo/yidhaahdo Special Counsel (OSC) oo ku yaal wasaarradda Caddaalladda ee Maraykanka ama U.S. Department of Justice.



Haddii aad rabto in aad xareyso dacwad ku saabsan Faquuqid,

su'aal ka qabto buuxinta foomka I-9 ama

dhowrista Shaqaalaha ee sharciga, waxaad la hadli kartaa:

Xafiiska Special Counsel (OSC)

1-800 255-7688; maqalku haddii uu kugu adag yahay:



U.S. Department of Justice

Civil Rights Division—NYA rm 9000

Office of Special Counsel

For Immigration-Related

Unfair Employment Practices

950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW

Washington, DC 20530


Macluumaad intaa dheer oo ku saabsan

Documintiyada immigration-ka, waxaad ka heleysaa:

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services




Wasaarradda Caddaalladda ee Maraykanka

Qeybteeda Xaquugal madaniga

Xafiiska Qunsulka Khaaska

oo la xiriira Immigration-ka

ku dhaqanka shaqaaleyta xaqdarada


Mar Haddii aad xaq u

leedahay Shaqeyta,

Cidna ha u oggolaan

in ay kaa qaaddo.



Buuxinta Foomka I-9

Aqqoon Noocee ah bey u baahan tahay?


▼ Documintiyada kuwa aad rabtid ayaad ku caddeyn kartaa in aad xaq uu leedahay in aad ka shaqeyn kartid Maraykanka,

haddii ay documintiyadu yihiin kuwa ku qoran foomka dhiniciisa dambe.

Kuwa shaqada bixinaya kuguma khasbi karaan

documentiyo gaar ah, sida "green card,"

Mana DIIDI KARAAN qaadashada Documentiyada

aad keentid.

▼ documentiyada aad keentid waa in ay asaasaan laba

wax: qofka aad tahay iyo in aad xaq u leedahay in

aad Maraykanka gudihiisa ka shaqeysid. Hal document dhinaca

Kuwa A ayaa ku filan caddeynta qofka aad tahay iyo in shaqo laguu

oggal yahay. haddii aadan keenin mid ka mid ah

documentiyadan, waa in aad keentaa mid kuwa B ah oo aasaasa qofka aad tahay

iyo mid ka mid ah C oo aasaasa in shaqo laguu oggal yahay.

▼ Shaqo-bixiyuhu ma ku diidi karo shaqo sabab ah

warqadda ama documentiga caddeynaya in shaqo laguu oggal yahay

ayaa waqti aan la garaneyn dhacaysa.

Kuwa shaqada ku siinaya waa in ay hubsadaan

in laguu oggal yahay shaqo oo ay ku weydiiyaan

in ay arkaan documentiyo ama caddeyn sax ah

oo an wali dhicin. Ku noqoshadan oggolaanshada shaqaaleynta

haddana xaq waxaad u leedahay in aad kala dooratid documentiyada kuwa

aad isticmaaleysit. [/QB]

I will double check again to see if I have missed something. There are couple of words that I don't really know whether they are Somali or not. I left them as they are "aassasin,Xaquuqal madani"

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