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Teen Rage- Anarchy in the UK

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Ghanima, there are things you cant control (other people's kids) so one should worry about his/her siblings/kids and hope for the best.

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Originally posted by *BOB:

[QB] Salam Aleikum W.W



When I said send your child to Africa I wasn't referring to Africa as a general but what I meant to say was...send your child to ME and I will discipline him/her for you for free.



haha really? Damn if only I had some kids :(

I could pack them off!



but seriously if you gonna send a child to Africa let him/her stay der until at least their mid 20s, den they can come back an jst be responsible, sending dem for a few years jst doesn't work, but den again I dnt think anyone has sent them directly to Bob.

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