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Happy Birthday to JB

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Awoowe dhalashadiis loo dabaaldegaayo, waaw lee iga dheh.


Meeqo shumac ayaa la suraa hee doorshadaada? Konton? Lixdan? :D


Every day should be a birthday day, we should appreciate the fact that we are still alive, healthy and around with our family and friends.

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Thanks all for your greetings, ducooyin and barakooyin ,,, :D


Yeah ,, it is my birthday ,, i'm too old to throw a party or something but i enjoy receiving those greetings from the good friends of mine like you SOL members and others living here ,,,


The only thing i'm gonna do is to buy a gift for My mother today ,,, i did that last year too ,,, it should be surprise since she doesn't remember i gess ,,,,,,,, :D


Something for Aabbo too ?? ,,,,,,, Hmmmm ,,



Bal maxaad Da'dayda ku falaysaan ,,,, 54, 40, 88, 200 ,,, Anagaa yaab aragnay ,, :D

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OK. So you're either 54, 40, 88 or 200.


It's not 200 because you're still in school :D


It's not 88 because your parents are still alive (and may they continue to be so for a long time to come).


You're not 40 because you WOULD be throwing a big bash if it was the big Four Oh.



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^Beenta yaree hee...Minaa 35 tahay ana 19 aan ehee...


Nothing wrong with being an old geezer dee...Da'da lagama faanee, waalagu faanaa... 69437-old-geezer.gif

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

bal maxaad sawirkaaga meesha u soo dhigaysaa ,,

LOOOOOOOL...Ma quruxdaada korka iga saaree hadana...Nagadahee...

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I'm making a special coffee for myself now ,, the one that deserves to be on my B-day ,,, :D


Anyone wants to share ?? ,,,,, don't be shy ,,, the invitation is open for all ,, looool

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That's true, he's really turning 35. I remember last year when he said he was turning 34. So how did you like the Indian song?

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