
Marwada Farmaajo oo qeyb ka ah boobka canshuurta Gobolka Banaadir/Farmaajo's wife steals $48,000 a week, money brought by thief nephew Tax Collector

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Another maalin caddeey been raad lahayn. Dalmar, beenta tolka mid gadmeyso oo quruxsan ha keensadaan.

Speaking of this, aniga waxaa ogahay qof wasiir/wasiirad (ma rabi inaa qarxiyo qofkaas/qoftaas) oo qaraabo dhow nahnay mar ee wasiirad/wasiir ahayd, intii deeq wasaaradda ku soo dhacdo inay xaaskii Xasan Sheekh ku lahayd 25%, regardless noocee doonta deeqda ha ahaato. Wasiiradda/wasiirka afkeeda/afkiisa ee/uu ka sheegtay/sheegay taas oo ay aad ula yaabaneyd/yaabanaa maadaama qof daacad ah ahaa/ahayd. Wasaaradda uu/ee qofkaas/qoftaad ka shaqeynaaye/shaqeyneysay kuma ekeyn, many wasaarado were like that, that in order to keep one's seat, one has to cough 25% of deeqaha wasaaradahooda soo galo, ha ahaato daawo, ha ahaato agabyo, ha ahaato kaash, ha ahaato deeq waxbarasho...

Marka whoever wrote this fabricated, poorly written article is projecting of what they used to do amd the crooks they were. They probably missed that corruption xad dhaafka ahaa in dowladdii Xasan Sheekh.

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2 hours ago, Holac said:

She is from Banaadir dhalasho ahaan, isn't she?

what that has to do about the  story?  Farmaajo is not a man of the money.  However even the old days, modish was the home of corruption.  people are screaming to have  the ability to continue steal. The only way to fight the corruption is to  use modern ways  of pepper less tax collection. you let customer pay to the bank and use random inspectors and more fines for not buying  right on time. Somalis in  America learned quickly the hard ways.


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