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Alaa ilaahay qaadirsanaa,


Mar alaale markii uu asaagaa kusoo aado, adigu intaa orodo imaatinkeeniyo afaaraheena buugaag ka dabaacoo ku rafo Abti.


Goormaadse, your archaic sytle of shukaansi waqti u heshaa, adigaaba type writerkaagi xarfahii ka guureen saa u garaacisaye.


Wuu libaaxyeeyaa kuye, aloow yaa ogaada inuu curi haduu arko ka carari lahaa.


I know, I know, Maantuu his karaani style type writer iga soo daba qaadan doonaa dee. LOL

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Ala abti dhaga nugulidaa dee, soo adigan sadar ku ekeeyey daabacaadii.


Teeda kale, Oo waxaa intaa u dig iyo ham lahayd ma intaa bay ahayd, Waxaanu lahayn wuu is daficiye, Ma PM baan soo galaa ku ye. Walee cinwaanka threadkan qofkii bilaabay, tiirada lamuu gafin.

War hayaaaaaaaay!!!

Walee ciwaanka threadkan qofbii bilaabay tiiradi lamuu gafin hadalka, Mise way isku ogaayeen show.


As to type garaaca, I was just pointing out the fact that you have no right to belittle some ladies b/c they are "banging on their keyboard all day," while you dear Abti are in danger of eyes-protruding-from-eye-socket syndrome due to staring at the screen for the the books you publish in here.


I must stop. *checks eyes for syndrome then walks away from comp*

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