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Tell us, things that drive you bananas!

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I hate the scripted obligatory small-talk conversations that made up 80% of interaction at this company..... Kill. Me. Now.

Oh man Prof! Its the same exact thing where I work, I can barely stand it. Why can't people talk to one another just about work?

People tend me to see me to be rude and standoffish, but not really, I know why I am there. To work. and thats it!



What can't I stand these days?


People who need affirmations, you know. People who need to always be told they are doing great and so on. Can't stand it. Be tough for god's sake!


Ohh and who said this? People who complain baout not getting a job when they havent even sent in a resume or even looked..oh that is so annoying...and they always say " your so lucky, you have such a great job" I want to just yell, well it didnt come to me in a dream. I Worked hard to find this job and I deserve it!


And finally my loathing goes to...People who are in love :mad: .

To hell with you lot. I need to join your camp, But I havent recieved an invitation yet ha!


Okay I am out~~Matrix is ON

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Originally posted by sheherazade:

^Teek yoor bik...


---luk huus tookin

--bot koolin da ketel blaak

--yuu shudh noo



This is a new way to translate english into somali?


Iid iss ariili ixaarid tu anderistaanid.....

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what drives bone crazy, is ppl who talk about somali politics n get they info from warlord webites or the likes!!


i just wanna knock them out and say get your damn head outta of the gutter!! period!...!

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