Xaaji Xunjuf

British spy loses his head Failmaajo wont be good with the brits

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spy and four other spies'



Wednesday October 10, 2018


The Somali militant group al-Shabab claims it killed a British spy yesterday.

Awale Ahmed Mohamed, 32, spied for MI6 after moving from Britain to Somalia to establish Islamic State, according to Mohamed Abu Abdalla, al Shabaab's governor for the Jubba regions.

Islamists say they shot five men in the public execution on Tuesday.

Three of the men spied for the United States and helped guide drones to carry out strikes in Somalia, while a fourth spied for the Somali government, Mohamed Abu Abdalla added.

"Five of them were publicly shot to death this afternoon after they admitted espionage before the court," said Mohamed Abu Abdalla.

The UK, US and Somali governments have not yet commented on the reports.
Al-Shabab once had control of the capital, Mogadishu, and still operates freely in many rural parts of southern Somalia.

The militants have on several previous occasions killed people it accused of spying.

Today's news comes as a sign of the insurgents' control of southern swathes of the country, even as authorities step up efforts to combat them.

Al Shabaab's grip on the Horn of Africa nation has been weakening since it was pushed out of the capital by African Union peacekeepers in 2011, but the government and the US military are beefing up an offensive against it.
The US drones often carry out strikes against the Somali militants, with the US military saying it killed one militant in an air strike in southern Somalia over the weekend.

Al Shabaab is trying to overthrow Somalia’s weak, UN-backed government and impose a strict form of Islamic law.

The country has been torn apart by civil war since 1991, when clan warlords overthrew a dictator before turning on each other


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Oodweyne I think shabaab has  infiltrated  the so called villa amisom. That's why because with all the defections   back  and forth it is highly unlikely for  the so called  Ugandan intelligence  service to clearly send the message to their British embassy in Nairobi or in Kampala. Because the Brits all over east Africa. Especially Kenya the darling of the west. I remember when general bahuku was the supreme general for villa amisom from Uganda In the hey days of amiir godane before the American drone took him out because during that particular time. Shabaab carried out attacks in Westgate and Uganda. Two strong British  allies. Also in the former British east Africa.

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With the British you are always obligated to do your end of the bargain, they are not.

They can renege on any agreement but Farmaajo can't. Has always been like that.

Farmaajo is not cut out to work with them, even in matters of style let alone substance.


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 The  brits have a good Spy network from Uganda to Kenya Tanzania. They are very well advanced the Jordanians two in the middle east alongside the mossad of telaviv. They  got ears and eyes every where even in Ethiopia.  The cheeseman failed in security defeating shabaab building an army. The cheeseman can't get something from downing street. He is a lost case from a political  point of view.

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Only secessionists think British empire is still alive and well. However this has nothing to do with either the British or Farmaajo. Al-Shabaab is only good at killing Somalis and these so called spies are all Somalis. Since when Shabaab propaganda is believable. They are being hunted day and night from the skies and their response is to kill more Somalis.

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The British  government is still a power in the world the  world order hasn't since the second world war. United States Russia China France Britain. United nations  security council Nukes and NATO.  Its the british english and  the irish who settled in the americas Alshaaab is a irhaabi organization which has foreign fighters from Afghanistan Pakistan  America Yemen Sudan Kenya and Somali  clan and Somali  leadership. But one thing is for sure the fragile failed govt of Failmaajo  can't defeat shabaab.

Shabaab  is inflitrated by both the USA and perhaps even Britian and other intelligence  western intelligence  agency's  I think even the Qatari govt has a share inside  shabaab.


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