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umu zakaria


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UMU, you already gave him the best gifts ever: you and a little boy...What else could he ask for other than more JRs...


Well, what's the story behind the gift giving: is it his B-day, anniversary, valentine's day (no wait that's in Feb), what?


Here's what you do: take the baby to granny's house, clean the house spotless, uunis bug ku sii, set the dinner table (candles and the whole shebang), bottle of the best champagne (I mean the non-alcohol one of course ;) )...Nice little music, after dinner - as they say: afkiisii Bari jiray Baraawe u jeedi...


How's that for the perfect evening? Just give him a perfect evening every now and then, and trust no gift will amount to that...


OR, you can always get him a 2008 Red Jaguar Super V8 for only $94,000+...

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^^^^LoooL..gabadha maa run u sheegtid...


Umu - dee macalinka ha la soo kaco berrito "Sidaan si ma aha...inaan Gym aado waaye" oo wait a min that is routine waaye dheh? ok!


Buy him top LCD TV (1080p), XBOX 360 + Halo 3, Surround system + bake sambuusa and home made rooti, then take young zach to his cusins or granma's...wixii intaas ka danbeeyo talo iigama baahnid bay ila tahay.


Or alternatively waxaad ku tiraah "jiirigaankaas biyaha ka cab, dhaxantana iska dhici" :D



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People, suggesting that Umu gets him a toy is a bad idea. Whether it's a car, an XBOX or a PS3, the fatal flaw is that once he gets his hands on one, that will be the ruin of a perfectly good husband. Umu appreciates him precisely because he lavishes attention on her, not on a silly game console or gas-guzzling vehicle.


The only present she should get him should have her in center stage. And it should be consumable, so that it's no longer around to compete with her. I suggest a bowl of cereal served on a fancy tray. She can sing "Snap, Crackle, Pop!" to spice it up. :D

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^^^^ PS3 iyo XBOX maad wax ka sheegtay - waa markii Chamber of Men's Statisfaction Council ay ku sue gareen lahaayeen :mad: - You have been served - a whole new topic aan kaa soo saaraynaa! :mad:



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Come LOZ, I have nothing against children's toys :D . And if Umu seemed like the type to duke it out on Halo multiplayer with her Abu, I'd tell her to go for it. But she doesn't seem to be the type. So logic dictates she not get him something she can't use to her advantage later on. Duh.


It's in the inviolate Female Subversion of Men's Satisfaction Code, which trumps your puny Council. Don't get mad at me, I'm just explaining reality.

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Umu-Zakriya, give your husband a gift of the Quran holly book, and if you know the holly Quran better than him. Then, I advice you to teach him (Surat Al-Nisa ) So many Somali men need to understand the vivid meaning behind that Surah. I am sure, Somali families would not have been in destruction, if paid attention.



Kisses,flowers,and ijjiid aan ku jiidee on bed is something that happens every day in the world ;) . My wife teaches me the Quran (Masha Allah) !

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Ilmaha ka seexi maalmahan fasaxa ah! hadduu sidaydoo kale hurdada jecelyahay ciyaalkaa meelahaa u kexee oo soo ciyaarsii ha iska seexdee odoguye...



ps..are you celebrating the feast of that brutally decapitated bird, yaa umu z?

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^^ :D:D


Seriously inaad i waraysattaan baa fiicnaan lahayd qish baan idin siin lahaa!


the basics of ina rag:


1-cunto macaan iyo guri carfoon...


intaa hadduu helo asuu caqli leeyahay rabbaayad buu noqonayyaa sidaydoo kale...siddii chicken buu maqrib soo xaroonayyaa, weligiis meel kaa aadi mayyo wuu iska kaa ag joogayyaa! cid kale ha weydiininnaa adinku labadaa ugu dedaalaa.


Bishaaro gabdhaha ingiriiska ku hadla u fasir awoowe in ilaahay kheyr fara badan kusiiyo si xunna ha u tarjumin!

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I don't understand all the guys here talking about gadgets and all these other crap, except for Xiin's at least his was reasonable. Umu, listen to me, do it with him early in the morning.

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Um, I agree with Cara, never ever get something that will compete with you for attention, you’ll regret it later. I guess anything that involves quality time together will be a worthy thing, it doesn’t have to be a weekend in Paris or Venice, do something shocking, suprising and unlike you that he’ll remember whenever there is a vacant second in his head… ;)

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Originally posted by Zafir:

I don't understand all the guys here talking about gadgets and all these other crap, except for Xiin's at least his was reasonable. Umu, listen to me, do it with him early in the morning.

Oraahdii waxaan soo xasuustey "ragna waa subax dumarna waa casar", actually am not gona say the whole oraah now, it would sound more x-rated

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Alla maxaa sex desperate meeshan ka buuxa. Zafir iyo nuune saaxiib dee waxaad ka hadlysaan. Waa wax very normal ah. A wife comforting her husband or like wise a husband doing the same is something instinct. Bal wax kale inoo sheega aan ka ahayn Halays fuulo ama halaysku xaabiyo!

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