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The main meal arrived and I was looking forward to tucking into my duck. I had never before tried eating duck and my former neighbour agreed that it was a good idea to try. She ordered the lamb for herself. The rest (apart from Val who copied every move I made) had very ordinary meals. My duck turned out to be made of rubber and I didn't enjoy it much. But my former neighbour had the best lamb ever! She generously offered to share her lamb with me and I duly obliged.


Meanwhile, Nino Brown was still having a heated discussion with the forgotten girl about spiritual matters. Like the great mystic healer that he was, he had a great way with words and managed to breakdown complex issues and concepts into small bite size trivialities. The forgotten girl was arguing back with all her powers. Every time she spoke, I found myself laughing loudly. Bad old Nino Brown had her beat but she didn't realise it and seemed to have this strange idea that the louder your voice is, the stronger your argument!


Ordinarily, I find the company of silent people irritating and uncomfortable. But, in my dream, LST's silence was soothing and reassuring. After all, I already had to contend with Adonis's unpredictable limbs, the forgotten girl's loud shrieks, Nino Brown's sarcastic wisdom, Serenity's preoccupation, Val's loopy glances and my former neighbour's incomprehensible anecdotes. LST's wise silence and occasional pearls of wisdom helped bolster my fading thought that all was still well with the world.


For some reason or other, the conversation between the forgotten girl and Nino halted for a few seconds and everyone was fascinatingly looking at Adonis! It seems that he ordered some rat eggs and was pleading with Val to have a taste. Though she's obviously a hippy and, in the normal course of things, would be interested in all things organic, she politely declined the offer. I doubt if it had anything to do with disgust or revulsion; the woman has a face (pretty though it is) that would munch on solid rocks for a snack. After attempting to flog his rat eggs to the entire table, Adonis finally found a suitable volunteer. Two minutes later, the forgotten girl was seen running towards the toilets with her hand on her mouth!


The evening was slowly drawing to a close and most of us had already finished eating our meals but things were not over yet...


(I wrote this half an hour ago but was distracted by my suicidal co-worker..)

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Originally posted by NGONGE:


Meanwhile, Nino Brown was still having a heated discussion with the forgotten girl about spiritual matters. Like the great mystic healer that he was, he had a great way with words and managed to breakdown complex issues and concepts into small bite size trivialities.

That describes Nino Brown to a T :D Sheekadani Riyo ka badan ;)

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Furthermore, that tacky ‘show’ has been running for ages and I’ve not had an issue with it as long as
he was making fun of his own friends who understood his sense of humour and not using it as a tool to take pot shots at people who do not appreciate that BS.
So please, for the millionth time, close the subject and go away with your !diotic assertions.

looooooooooooooool your ciyaal waana jiran tahay... everyone is my friend in SOL...can you say that about your self.... do you want me to ask that in public? lol.. grow up SOL is just a chilling place for everyone and nothing should be taking personal or look at 4real...ficil iyo xin lee kaa buuxo adiga maxaa waaye yaaqee!! cuudu bilaah..war ani walaahi I have nothing agains you laakiin the more aa sidii bajaq yar camal u ooysid the more aan ku dhibaayo loooool


Engonge waraa maskiin aa tahay..saan u aqrinaaye sheekadaan wili wax jar jaroo ma bilaabin.. your not the same old Engonge yaaqee!!!


Wareer Badanaa!!!

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NG please continue the story it's getting interesting by the second and don't forget to mention the real reason you were so obsessed with Val. I mean copying her every move like her favorite dish and appetizer is one thing but undressing her with your eyes and watching her like a hawk while the more handsome ones look on is .....

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

For some reason or other, the conversation between the forgotten girl and Nino halted for a few seconds and everyone was fascinatingly looking at Adonis! It seems that he ordered some rat eggs and was pleading with Val to have a taste.
Though she's obviously a hippy and, in the normal course of things, would be interested in all things organic, she politely declined the offer. I doubt if it had anything to do with disgust or revulsion; the woman has a face (pretty though it is) that would munch on solid rocks for a snack.
After attempting to flog his rat eggs to the entire table, Adonis finally found a suitable volunteer. Two minutes later, the forgotten girl was seen running towards the toilets with her hand on her mouth!

I feel like you are insulting me, but I can't be sure. Continue so I can make my mind up.

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^ :D


Ahem AHEM... Nino comment, I have yet to recover from the tiring dream of NGONE :D


What a dream that was, every little detail of it was remembered and covered in the story, I expected nothing less from NG, the only member in SOL who has that much good attention to detail, a skill I can never match... I used to wonder you how perfectly imitate some members of the forum...


War ninku Riyo ku xasuus badanaa, this must be some next level nightmares :D ...

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I think Ngonge is a schizophrenic, the brother was quiet looked and spoke like any ordinary gent. I think the Ngonge character is equivalent to Hyde from Jackal and Hyde :D

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^In your dreams :D


In my dream it is a character I can never get on my mind... Will try and look hard to recapture the whole scene... takes time :D

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It was time for deserts and I was have hoping that Serenity would jump into my plate. Of course it was a small space and her arms and feet would stick out a little but it would have been a lip-smacking desert nonetheless.


There were various tasty types of deserts on the menu but all my Somali companions reverted to type and ordered TEA instead! In fact, there was something erotically moving about hearing Serenity ordering Earl Gray tea, if only she had asked for Darjeeling with that Indian lilt of hers, eh! I, of course, ordered something sweet. I think it was some sort of ice cream.


Still. Over tea, the conversation started to get more sombre and people began to have a debate about Islam, Aids, Somalia and the banning of some unruly member of SOL! I was almost ready to join in and present them with my hate list. But I feared they would consider it as some sort of one-gunmanship and decided to keep my opinions to myself. The boys were adamant that this member should be banned. The girls were more sympathetic and tried to clutch as straws by attempting to present him in a better light (yes he was male, cringe and tremble boys). Meanwhile, Val pretended to look interested whilst staring straight ahead at the window opposite her. She suddenly had a contented smile on her face, I think she saw her own reflection! Amidst all the hubbub, a manly voice rose above the crowd. It was the kind of voice that instantly attains attention. The first few words were incomprehensible I think I heard him trail off with the words ‘will be banned’! Yes, this was the lion molester speaking and it seems that the boys convinced him of their point of view. I blame the girls for this. They should have got Val out of her reverie and into the argument. Her substantial intellectual weight, not to mention those delectable eyelashes would have surly won the day. Instead, they relied on some forgotten girl’s shrieks to make some sense and convince grown men of a nonexistent argument!


Have you ever found yourself yawning in a dream? I did. I’m happy to report that this was not the result of boredom or indifference. I rather think my initial tiredness followed me into the dream itself. It was a long night after all and here I was, at half past ten, still sitting in this restaurant and trying to pay attention to more than half a dozen people all speaking at the same time. I wearily looked across at my former neighbour and had a strange image of her biting into a fried mouse! She gave me a look as if to ask if everything was ok but I simply smiled back and nodded my head. Val was now fidgeting with her hijab-come-shawl!


Nino was now regaling us with his fondness for tabloid newspapers. The girls were aghast at his choice of reading material but it still didn’t stop them from simpering away like some hungry hyenas! His reasoning was so persuasive that I have no doubt at all that the next morning’s circulation of The Sun newspapers would have increased by at least six more new readers (I’m already an avid fan).


The bill arrived and everyone started to search their pockets, bags and wallets. My former neighbour had a beautifully shiny bag, which I remember now that I forgot to congratulate her on, even though I had the opportunity to do so on the three occasions that I managed to kick it when it was under my feet. She opened it to get her money out and I could swear I glanced a laminated photo of some famous Somali singer. I think it was Aways Khamiis!


I am too much of a gentleman to assume that Val spent those five minutes stroking her hard earned cash before she finally brought it out and put it on the table. I now strongly believe she has a baby gerbil living inside her bag. It just can’t be the money, nobody looks at money in that tender and loving way!


We all paid and started to shuffle out of the restaurant. Once we were outside, the argument began as to the best and quickest way home. The forgotten girl, my former neighbour, Nino and Adonis had no idea where the train station was! The same train station they used when they arrived at the restaurant might I add. This is when Serenity finally stood tall, took the high ground and, for once, managed to look down at the majority of the people in that crowd and pointed the correct direction for the rest of us to follow. Val went back to fiddling with her shawl!


We got to the station and, after working out our various destinations, we all said goodbye and went our separate ways. I took a train with my former neighbour, Adonis and the forgotten girl. Only when I was in the train did I finally recognise this forgotten girl! I am dying to reveal who she is but some gut instinct compels me to take that secret to my grave. Besides, I’ve always believed that keeping secrets is one of the most life prolonging natural remedies in life.


It is not my habit to describe the physical traits of people, unless they’re important to the plot like in the case of Serenity. But, now, I am going to break with tradition and describe this forgotten girl to you. Should you happen to recognise her from the description I will take no responsibility nor will I admit any guilt. Well, how should I begin? She was the same highet as Serenity (though Serenity was in heel of course). She was petite, pretty in an unusual way; one that says 'you’re allowed one look, look again and I’ll slit your throat, mate'. However, the most impressive thing about this forgotten girl were her teeth. They were as red as a baboons bottom! As I was sat opposite her on the train, I was actually thinking to myself; either this girl has fully embraced the concept of cultural integration and is now a happy addict of the famous Bangladeshi Paan or, she’s developed a mouth ulcer from years of alcohol abuse! It couldn’t be the latter so I settled on the former.


Adonis got out after a few stops. My former neighbour followed a couple of stops later and I was left with the red teeth girl for another five stops. She, at last, reached her stop and left too. When I finally got home at midnight, my wife told me that I was late. I am not that late, I told her, it’s only midnight. It is not midnight, she said, it is six thirty in the morning and you need to wake up to go to work!

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Lazy..Debe agujerear en Inglaterra, leave these people alone

Si Senor Che. Se que Inglaterra es aburrida y su gente tambien


Donde esta licuado? (vanilla this time, tired of strawberry)

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She was petite, pretty in an unusual way; one that says 'you’re allowed one look, look again and I’ll slit your throat, mate'.



Hmmm, if you got on the same train and she got off a few stops before you then it must be,,,,,,


Besides I hear she has pearly white teath :D

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