Xaaji Xunjuf Posted October 7, 2018 Axad, October, 07, 2018 (HOL) – Madaxweyne Muuse Biixi ayaa xafiiskiisa kulan kula yeeshay wefti ka socda dalka Ingiriiska oo ay hoggaaminayso wasiiru-dawlaha dalka Ingiriiska u qaabilsan arrimaha Afrika, ahna madaxa hay’adda horumarinta caalamiga ah ee DFID. Harriett Baldwin. Kulankan waxa madaxweynaha kula wehelinayey madaxweyne-ku-xigeenka Somaliland, Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Saylici, wasiirka arrimaha dibadda, Dr. Sacad Cali Shire iyo wakiilka Somaliland u fadhiya dalka Ingiriiska, Ayaan Maxamuud Cashuur. Markii uu kulankaasi dhamaaday waxa warbaahinta la hadlay wasiirka Arrimaha Dibada Somaliland iyo wasiiru dawlaha dalka Ingiriiska u qaabilsan arrimaha Afrika, kuwaas oo sheegay inay ka wada hadleen mashaariicda horumarineed ee ka socda Somaliland ee gacanta ka gaysatay Ingiriiska, wada hadalka Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya iyo doorashooyinka soo socda ee la filayo inay ka qabsoomaan horaanta sanadka soo socda. “Madaxweynaha iyo weftigu waxa ay ka wada hadleen arrimo badan oo ay kamid tahay iskaashiga labada dal ee dhinacyada iskaashiga, horumarka, nabadgelyada, kaabayaasha, doorashooyinka iyo wada-hadallada Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya, wada-hadalkaasina si wacan buu u dhacay, ingiriiskuna waa dawladda inoogu deeqda badan, aad iyo aadna waannu uga mahadcelinayey deeqdaas uu Ingiriisku ina siiyo, waxana aannu isla meel-dhignay inaynnu is-kaashigeennaa iyo wax wada-qabsigeennaas aynnu halkaas kasii wadno.”ayuu yidhi wasiir Sacad oo dhankiisa ka hadlayey wuxuu daarnaa kulankaasi. Sidoo kale,Wasiiru-dawlaha dalka Ingiriiska u qaabilsan qaaradda Afrika, Mis, Harriett Baldwin oo iyaduna ka hadlaysa waxay ka wada hadleen madaxweynaha waxay tidhi “ maantana waxa aan indhahayga kusoo arkay qaar kamid ah mashaariicda uu dalkaygu maalgeliyo ee loogu talo galay dadka reer Somaliland. Sanduuqa horumarinta Somaliland (Somaliland Development fund) waxa uu gacan siinayaa mashruuca biyo ballaadhinta Hargeysa, waxana aan aad ugu faraxsanahay inaan maanta halkan kaga dhawaaqo bilowga wejiga labaad ee mashruuca horumarinta Somaliland oo aannu ugu deeqaynno 25-Milyan oo bound oo wax lagaga qabanayo kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha dalka Somaliland.” Barkhad-ladiif M. Cumar, Hiiraan Onlin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Suldaanka Posted October 7, 2018 This is great. In the next few weeks also there will be high level delegation from Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark arriving. There are rumours that I heard Germans will be joining the SDF too. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Old_Observer Posted October 11, 2018 This International Development is a strong arm in the common wealth countries, British Empire. The foreign office is formal. This ID is informal, on the ground, practical where rubber meets road. Now that the port business is going ahead, all countries who don't have beach head in Djibouti will be tripping each other to Somaliland. Too high a price to pay in Yemen and too uncertain in Eritrea. Being close to Djibouti is unavoidable to anyone worth their pants these days. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mourad1 Posted October 12, 2018 On 10/7/2018 at 2:45 PM, Oodweyne said: Interesting development, indeed, really. However, the take-away points from these are, in my view, as follows: 1- the Somaliland Developmental Fund (SDF) is here to say, the despite the best effort by the political groupies in Villa Somalia, who wanted to end it. Read more 1 It is a drop in the bucket. 25 million pounds relatively don't contribute much to a national budget. However, it is undoubtedly a moral victory for SL gov't. To have the British government openly comment on the fact that they are willing to contribute to the budget of SL government in the current environment where some Ministers at FGS are firmly opposed to. it definitely takes courage to do that. Yet Ms. Baldwin has clearly indicated her position in face of potential backlash from FGS by undoubtedly stating that the British government has no intentions to recognize SL. This position is clearly a deterioration regarding the previous British positions toward SL's independence where they used to say that "it is an internal issue that should be discussed by the two parties involved." So Aw guuriyo, reer Qaldaan. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites