Xaaji Xunjuf

Ina cagjar sends liyuu troops to hartesheikha

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Ku:- President M.M.Omar
Ka:- Aqoonyahanka Hawd.
     Maanta Waxaa Magaalada Harta-Sheekha Gadhay Koloyo ciidanka Gaarka ah ee Dds afka amxrigana loo yaqaan Liyou police.
ka dib infahanwaa yimid darteed ciidanku waxay ka baxeen magaalada hadana waxaa la soo sheegayaa in maagalaada duleedkeeda joogaan.
ugu horayn waxan aaaminsanahay in  Ciidankaaasi Yahay ciidan sharciya oo Deegaanku leeyahay.
sidoo kale deegamada kalana leeyihiin.
Waxaan ognahay in Dawladii Fashistiga ahayd ee wakhtigedu dhamaaday dhibaatooyin badan Shacabka gaadhsiisay. 
shacabka degaanka guud ahaan gaar ahaana shacabka Hawd waxa u sii dheeraa ficilo xuquuqda aadamiga xad gudub ku ah.
Dhibaatooyin kii ka dhacay #Xarshin #Hartasheekha #Wajaale #Gaashaamo iyo #Dacawalay Waxaa fuliyay Ciidanka Gaar ka ah ee Dds Waxaana amaradaa bixiyay masuuliyiintii Wakhtigaa talada haysay.
arimaahasi waxay abuureen dareen ilaa maanta taagan oo ku wayn qalbiyada shacabka reer Hawd.
dad boqol kor u dhaafaya ayaa naftoodii ku waayay boqolaal ciyaala ayaa ku agoomoobay.
aduunyo dhib lagama waayee maxaa xal ah lama odhan ka somali ahaan Dhaqan iyo Hab Dawladnimo midna wax laguma xalin.
Falalkaasi qaar ka mida waxay ka dheceen Masaajid dhexdii sida #Jamac-#Dubad oo ah #Qabale ka tirsan #Degmada #Gashamo.
waxaa xusid mudan xasuuqii #Ruwanda Kadhacay horaantii 1994 dadkii masaajidada galay waxay noqdeen kuwii badbaaday.
Go'aanka Maanta Xukuumada Dds ku qaadatay in dhulka hawd ciidanka Gaarkaa la geeyo, waxaan aaminsanahay in dagdag badan ku jiro.
xaqiiqada meesha taala iyo dareenka shacabka hawd mid na aan lagu xisaab tamin.
hadii #Cmc xidhan yahay waxaa banaanka jooga Ragii kale ee Falalkaa Gaystay wakhti xaadirkana dawlada cusub qaarkood soo dhawaysay jeelkana kasoo daysay sida C/laahi itoobiya oo ahaa nin kii 27 qof Madaxa ka toogtay Tuulada #Cilmi-Xirsi ee degmada Xarshin.
waxaanu ku talo bixinaynaa in aan deegaanka Hawd la gayn haba yaraatee wax ciidanka Liyou Police ah.
Sababtu maaha in aanu ciidanka diidanahay balse dhibaatada jirta waxay tahay dareenka shacabka hawd aamisan yihiin iyo ciidanka dawladu islama jaan qaadi karaan.
badalkooda shacabku waxay kalsooni ciidan ku qabaan #Ciidanka #Qaranka #JFDI.
waxaan ku talo bixinaynaa anaga oo ah #Aqoonyahanka dhulkaa kasoo jeeda inta fahan buuxa shacabku ka qaadanayaan ciidanka gaar ka ah dhamaan qaladaadkii dhacayna xal loo helayo dadkii faldanbiyeedkaa sameeyayna talaabo laga qaaday shacabku arkayaan mooyee.
in aan lagu dagdagin Ciidan halkaa lageeyo.
waxaa kale oo muhiim ah in wacyigalin shacabka lagu sameeyo isla markaana falalkii dhacay ee hore baadhitaan madax banaan lagu sameeyo.
haddii si laab la kaca ama go'aano aan laga fiirsan la gadho waxa dhici karta mid wixii  hore ka daran.
ilaahay ha ina hayee.
"Rabaw eex Ma Tiraabine
Aqoon Haygu Cadaabin"
Wabilaahi Tawfiiq

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Abtigiis biggest domestic challenge is  training and 're aranging the liyuu forces. The problem with  cabdi ileey was he gave  them a  gun  tikniko and some harari beer  and heesihi qaraamiga baxsan and couple of qabil poems from ina bulxan  and ina  cumar Dage and dhoodaan.And he told them  we are laandheero,Somalis  hate  us we have freepass to kill and to plunder all villages if they reject our  rule.  Meles ma dhiman geesigu madhinto was the motto .He needs to  take out allot of forces with in the liyuu a clean up a big clean up is needed. And then there is  qeero the gallas who wish to invade the region lemme meqershe is his enemy. And even that fellow extremist jawar maxamad from the united states. Who encites  ethnic hatred in Ethiopia.

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6 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

The problem with  cabdi ileey was he gave  them a  gun  tikniko and some harari beer  and heesihi qaraamiga baxsan and couple of qabil poems from ina bulxan  and ina  cumar Dage and dhoodaan.And he told them  we are laandheero,Somalis  hate  us we have freepass to kill and to plunder all villages if they reject our  rule.  Meles ma dhiman geesigu madhinto was the motto .


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You would think abtigiis would administrate  the killloch Somali region under the galla  rule better than his cousin abdi ileey. But many people think they are playing a subclanish game ONLF   USLWLF and liyuu militia funded by getechew who is  now actually back in bussines  debretzion the big tigre  governor rehired him.    You have one one side the so called admiral anti xabashi camp and ina mahdi. But they have their offices in the xamasiem camp in asmara. And the  other group being funded by gallas lemme meqershe and debretzion. Hoostana dagaal hoosaad oo  qabileysan ba jira.

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On 10/7/2018 at 8:00 AM, Oodweyne said:

I have never believed this dude call Abtigiis is what he cracked himself up to be at all. I have debated with him endlessly in here of SOL through out the years. And I have actually smelled a "rotten political opportunist" from him.

Moreover, I detected from him a sort of a fellow who in turn is enough, or at least "akin", to smart lawyer, who could argue both sides of the brief depending on a toss of the coin (as it were).

But deep down in his heart, he is "card-carrying-clannish-fellow", who was bookish enough to hide his true feelings with endless and vainglorious verbiage about the wholesome wonder of the alleged "Somali brotherhood". And now his first acts in office and the subsequent ones actually confirms to us of what he is actually, really.

Hence, the fact that he will send this "murdering police force" into a peaceful areas of the Somali region, knowing full well what the previous stooge in office in the Somali region have done in here, actually tells me that he is essentially not any more of an "enlightened leader" than his predecessor. But basically and actually he is of the same "political timber" as his predecessor in office.

It just that he seemed to have learned from his university's education as to how to do a good enough of a job of "verbally-dancing-around" issues of an "ugly kind" without allowing others to get a "whiff" of your true feelings (as it were).  

Ethiopia is now completely taken over by catch phrases that have no meaning or worst yet can have different meanings that can freeze opposite sides.

When the people go back to bread and butter issues this will be like Uknraine or many other places where catch phrases changed governments or order.


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4 minutes ago, Oodweyne said:


I really blame human's right industry, particularly the westerns-dominated ones, who will take any issue in the middle of Africa, then turn it, twisted, shake-it-up-side-down, side-way-to-the-left and then back again to the right. And before you know it, the whole thing, the very essence of the issue, has lost all meaning. Or it's not even tethered into any recognizable reality.

Take for example, the likes of Jawar Mohamed and what he is actually trying to do, which is pure and simple Oromo's expansionists agenda of the old school. And yet, he is clever enough to dance with the human's right slogans. And indeed he is smart enough to ride the human right's bus, which is a bus sponsored by the western's nations, to all the way to his "final destination" of Oromo's pure political expansionism right in front of the world.

And the world will actually say that is only fair. Even if dead bodies, who are the victims of Oromo's agenda, are lined up in three-meters-deep on the side of the streets.

Welcome to a world where you could actually murder people in their numbers if you do cleverly and do it with "human's right slogans" at best, or at worse, with catch-phrases, like "democracy", like "constitution" and such some spit-warmed tiresome guff.

the renowned English writer by the name of Mr George Orwell could not have actually imagined this world even in his worst nightmare, which is world in which very definition of things are bent or perverted beyond recognition. 

Good of you to remember the man who warned people that 1984 onwards will be all politicians who say the opposite of what is that they want to do.

Example in Ethiopia now there is a saying that says "citizenship politics no Ethnic politics". The true meaning of that is lets get rid of Federalism and have unitary state just like we had during the kings and emperors days. They say Ethnic politics has bruoght us conflicts we need citizenship politics love and equality of all citizens. lol

This is as if Ethiopia was the heaven, peaceful, respect of languages, equality and self government....where as from 1960 to date the old Ethiopia was called prison of nationalities.


Most times its laughable, but since this gimmicks are well oiled, they work. Humans in general forget bad days faster than good days so these Soros people take advantage of it.

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