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Daahir Xanan's Letter to Hillary

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Daahir Xanan's Letter to Hillary


Asalaamu calaykum kuma oran karo’e how are you my dear.


Waan la socdaa in lagu bah dilay. It is iska xaal-aduun and it happens. I know how hard it must be for you. But don’t blame the poor black man. He is just a loud amplifier. Blame those in the studio making the sounds. Prominent among them is the Jews. You well know meeshay kaala qaadeen. Bill has nearly reconciled Barak (Ehud) and Yasser Arafat. The deal on the table hasn’t given the Palestinians a quarter of what they deserved. But it was considered an unforgivable affront by Zionists, and Bill was to pay the price. It will be too much conspiracy theory, but who knows why that all drums was beaten after your majestic man, when he went astray.


As if William Jefferson Clinton’s indiscretion and moments of debauchery hasn’t left you gaping wounds inside, they come after you in the most devastating way. You were beaten by a no-body in the Democratic establishment; and you drunk the bitterness of betrayal from Bill Richardson’s hand. It is only pity that the Jews have to bury you that way; while you still have much sympathy to them. Sometimes, things work in weird ways. I don’t like your policies, but you were the only alternative I had. Somehow, I just imagined Bill will be in charge; at least during the night. And I thought in the morning, you will do the work as advised xalay. There is no way I would have liked to see either Duq Gacan, or Obama Hussien as President. Obama is not a bad man I think. But I am not considering him to marry my daughter. I weigh him on his policies and decisions. Unfortunately, my sixth sense tells me, he will be haunted by his middle name and will try to run away from his past. In so doing, he will have to sustain the suffering of the Muslims in the world and those in Somalia and occupied Somaligalbeed.MCGacan warkiisa waad haysa adba.


Eedo Hillary, like the character in Alexander Dumas ‘le miserabele’, you are unlucky. Where you were rushing to -the White House; was the same place where you saw all those moments of shame.Waakii odaygu kugu ciyaala suuqeeyay. I was very angry with him for tarnishing his image for a fleeting joy of minutes. Gabadhuu tusbaxa iskaga jaray se halaag bay aheyd. Kol haduu dambaabi, meel halkaa dhaantay garan maayo. But he shouldn't have gone into all those intricacies of what defines what he was accused of.Waa isla halkii uun. In my tuulo, there are no meida or Kenneth Star or talk-shows. Such acts of infidelity only come to light kolka haween timaha is riffi la’arko. And you inquire and you know what went wrong. The man is largely unscathed. That is unfair. Some women even exchange insults while implicitly praising the cheat. How many times did I hear,"yaa! Naa orod is aas! Wuu kunacay dee! Wuu ku nacay!,“ the other one replying,“maani? La iguma sheegin!!...Xaasha…akhas! waa nin sharaf leh isagu ado kale suu odhan”. I have even seen the same man the brawl started over arbitrating between the two women.


I have sent you through the DHL, Khadra Daahir’s “Wayska Xaal adduun” album. Get some Somali’s to translate it to you. I know they flock with the winner and you may not find many.


Adiga aad isuma naqaan, laakiin, I am a fan of your man. Bill is really charismatic and erudite.Xayraanka George Bush oo kale ma aheyn. Igu salaam Chelsea iyo xaaabaheed.


Good bye! Talafoonkii xaafadda ayaa naga xun ee waan kuu soo tacsiyeyn lahaa si habboon.


Daahir Xanan



Qore: Cabdi yare

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Tolka & Abtigiis, nice one my man, you got me laughing my man, Koooooool....



Im beggining to like your character...

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Please read Daahir-Xanan (one name) and not as two. Give due acknowledgent to the school boy who helps him write the letter. See Qore: Cabdi yare.


Emperor thanks saaxiib. Good my name is not always horrifying to see for you.

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