
Opinion Polls shows a trend from "iigeeya" to "Farmaajo iga leexiya"

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Gaas scores the worst mere 34% approve his leadership.  

Surprisingly, the two leaders from regions with foreign forces, namely Ethiopian and Kenyan soldiers,  are enjoying a commanding approvals. What does that mean? 

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This is not a scientific survey. A scientific survey needs to be a random, according to the reporter the survey was held only six regions out of 18 regions. However, Farmaajo and Khayre got strong approval. above 50% is considered strong for the ruling a government. 

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Waa fikrad aad u fiican hadday maskax soomaaliyeed curisay.

Dhaliisha waxa khaldan iyo waxa dhiman intaba way ka faa'iidaysaa dawladda iyo mucaaradka toosan oo mustaqbal ka leh inay dalkaan hogaamiyaan

Nimankan sameeya aftida waxaa maal gaaliya shisheeye sida ay dawladdana u maal galiyaan oo kale,  ujeedka laga leeyahay waa inaysan reer galbeedku doon doonin furaha soomaaliya dhankay u jeestaanba.

Qayb waxaa jirta isku magacawda gudoomiyaasha golaha rayidka mar walbana idaacadah ka sheega waxaan ka soconaa ururada rayidka waraysigana loo badiyo!!

Xagee ayaga iyo rayidku isku arkeen oo ay ku doorteen?

Waa NGO  loo xil saaray inuu dadka indhaha ka xanjeeyo.

Mid waxaa xasuustaa markii jawaari iyo baarlamaanku isku dhaceen aad ugu hanjabay baarlamaanka iyo dawladda oo yiri haddii aysan si degdega ku heshiin labada dhagood faraha waa lagu ilaawi doonaa

Waan hubaa, haddii la yiraahdo shacabkaad hogaanka u tahay beri mudaahaaraad isugu yeer inuu raadin lahaaa jufadiisa iyo inta suuqu ku xumaaday.

Aftida waxaa laga bilaabaa aragtidayda beeluhu siday ka aaminsanyihiin dawladda intaan gobolada la'aadin

Beelaha Cabudwaq v yaaqshid

Beelaha Garoowe v hiiraan

Beelaha Kismayo v jowhar

Haddii aad fahamto in qabiilkii wali jiro dadka been laguma daaliyo shaqo ka fiican oo ajar leh, dalka raadsada yaan kula talin lahaa, sida hoyga dadka taabalaysan caawinaadda curyaamiinta iwm.



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21 hours ago, Suldaanka said:

Gaas scores the worst mere 34% approve his leadership.  

Surprisingly, the two leaders from regions with foreign forces, namely Ethiopian and Kenyan soldiers,  are enjoying a commanding approvals. What does that mean? 

The only region Puntlnad region in the survey is Nugaal, and that could not be a good measure of Gaas's approval ratings unless they asked Muqdisho residents of what they think of him.

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19 hours ago, Oodweyne said:

And how do you know that this alleged Gaas and Reer-Nugaaleed don't get on that well. Unless of course the alleged Gaas in this survey and you are on of the same person.


Dear Dhoocil Pensioner , I know age is catching up with you and your brain parts are slowing down and muscles weakening but at least re-read things ten times or ask one of your grandchildren if you have one to read things for you Mr Dhoocil Pensioner.

Now let me repeat my point here again in a slow motion. It was said in that clip that the survey was conducted only in certain regions in Somalia and the only region in Puntland that took part was Nugal as stated in the report. So my point is how can his approval ratings be decided by a survey of one region unless they asked the people surveyed in Moqdisho, Baydhabo etc. About what they think of Abdiwali Gaas which is absurd way of conducting a survey. I did not talk about like or dislike. Get it now?

Tankale, I know you are frail and bit slow but  do you drink as well or delusion has overpowered you.  What on earth are you thinking Dhoociley!!! Why on earth would Dr Abdiwali Mohamed Ali Gaas, a PHD holder, distinguished professor of economics at an American top university, Harvard graduate, a former Somalia's prime minster, president of the blessed Puntland has a time to argue with irrelevant, no body, Dhoocil like character Pensioner that spends most of his time writing pages after pages of nonsense here on SOL that preaches apartheid like hatred among Somalis. You must be high on something strong if you think I am Dr Gaas.


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Dear Dhoocil-Pensioner,

I think the hormornes that are responsible of your Dhoocil like character must be very  high or your frailness is getting worse you are not capable of comprehension.

The effect of these is you are asking a dumb hypothetical question. Any one who follows Somalia politics can tell which region, town, or village a certain leader draws his support from or where he will not do so well. For example, it is easy for a follower of Somalia politics to conclude that the guy in charge of your clan enclave in the name of Muse Local will have a low approval ratings in Awdal, Togdheer and Ceerigaabo area, but will do well in Gabiley and parts of Hargaisa. It is not so difficult for an outsider to analyse affairs he is not part of. But I don't expect you to have the sharp brains to make this sort of analysis.

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Why would muuse biixi have low  approval raiting  do you know majority of awdal voted for kulmiye in the last election. Muuse got the most. Do you know the awdal clan and muuse clan are  very close  in terms in culture and kinship intermarriage and traditions.  Muuse won the most votes in togdheer and maroodijeex. Wadani and ciiro was also closing in  ceerigaabo only in sanaag wadani won. Somaliland party politics is to complex for the pirates to understand our domestic politics.

Somaliland people are civilised  we have a democracy and xeer and qanuun.  And every one adds to Somaliland we had 5 presidents since 1991. Muj abdurahman tuur. President cigaal. President rayaale  President  siilaanyo. Mujahid  muuse. And vice President mujahid xassan ciise jamac.  Mujahiid abdurahmantolwa.vp axmed yasin  vp seylici vp rayaale.

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However you reason with Dhoocil ileen dhoocil waa dhoocil. It is such a character of Dhoocil that when you address one part of her argument, she jumps to something total different 😁

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The pirate enclave is falling  it's bankrupt it has no cash it's out of bussines. Also  the pirates are scared to death that galmudug might  capture galkacyo. Furthermore  they lost tukaraq earlier this year when muuse biixi made them cry . Cabdi cawar has to go  the reer bosaaso pirate want piece of the pie. As for Failmaajo  that guy is done politically he is the most incompetent leaders in villa amisom.

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Samafalow  cabdicawar meesha goormu kadegeya mise  qolladi reer galkacyo masakinti reer bosaaso way u xoogsheegenyaan.  Ciidanka budhcadbadeedka yaa ubaddan ma reer eyl mise reer bosaasso

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