Xaaji Xunjuf

Cabdi cawar ibn tablet liqe starts killing Ethiopian refugees in boosaaso

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Four Ethiopian refugees killed in northern Somalia attack



Hiiraan Online
Tuesday October 2, 2018

MOGADISHU (HOL) – Unidentified gunmen shot dead four Ethiopian refugees in Bossaso, the commercial capital of the northern Somalia semi-autonomous of Puntland, officials said Monday.

Initial reports said that armed men have shot the four civilians thought be ethnic Oromos at a close range in an attack in Santos, a village predominantly inhabited by Ethiopian immigrants in the region on Monday evening.

No group has claimed the responsibility for the attack which is thought to be linked to recent violence involving Somalis and Oromos in Ethiopia’s Somali region that killed dozens of people.

The clashes started after ethnic Oromos alleging that the Liyu Police, which has previously been accused by rights groups of human rights violations, of being behind the current attacks have killed many ethnic Oromo people.


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10 minutes ago, Ducale said:

Waxa loo dilay waa Oromo ahaan iyo Tigaraygii tagay oo wali  loo buko. Killing Oromos with impunity or inciting hatred between jareer community iyo H block puntland is still on that treacherous path laid out by the late ina yey. Fitnaday  nafaqo ka helaan iyo reeraha soomaali sida loo kala dilaalo. 


FYI Mudane Daanyeer, nimanka la dilay waxay ahaayeen Amxaaro. 

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5 minutes ago, Tillamook said:

FYI Mudane Daanyeer, nimanka la dilay waxay ahaayeen Amxaaro. 

You are talking to a man suffering from D-Block over-sensory syndrome. He's over-stimulated by words such Pland, Jland, any historical figure with D lineage, etc.

  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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Xaaji send this article to Abiy Ahmed so you may get some sympathy and recognition. Or better he may be able to meet your Jeegaan president holed up in Hargaisa.

This Jeegaan boys have no shame. They have the audacity to talk about Dblock treachery when they support a clan fiefdom where few months ago they hunted any Tigray opponents e.g ONLF, OLF  and handed them down to the Tigray, now suddenly they become friends of Oromo and they hand in their masters of yesterday. remember how they rounded up Abdi Iley's minsters and made big announcement that they found a big fish? The same minsters they were welcoming them as heroes yesterday. If you want to see what treachery is there you go.

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Axmed abiye is your master  Your leaders  ran towards him  the cheeseman or maybe samafal doesn't represent you. Gallas we know then very well for centuries. Even though axmed abiye is more amxara than galla from a cultural point of view. Either  way I think  the pirates are done budhlayn way burburtay no humanrights no elections  and we are almost near garowe.

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LOL Xaanji Muqayil :You are joke. I think every night when you are high, you mistaken Jeegaanland for Puntland. Man, it is Jeegaanland that is falling apart. For thirty years no recognition, Ethopia that you licked their asses have now deserted you, no major development of worthy a mention, your capital is without water and turning to become wasteland, there is armed rebellion in the East and Burco, Puntland completely annexed Sanaag, and Sool is a war zone, Farmaajo has stopped any special aid arrangement, IC have largely ignored your attention seeking pleas, your air space is controlled and taxed from the country's capital Mogadishu, the South that youhate and  have Cuqdad of is slowly stabilising. Puntland on the other hand have seen major infrastructure developments, Alshabab has been beaten dozen times, security has substantially improved under Dr Gaas, diaspora are coming back investing in the country, Abdiwali is massing troops to close the only remaining region under the Jeegaanland. Things are looking good for Puntland.


























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23 hours ago, Ducale said:

Waxa loo dilay waa Oromo ahaan iyo Tigaraygii tagay oo wali  loo buko. Killing Oromos with impunity or inciting hatred between jareer community iyo H block puntland is still on that treacherous path laid out by the late ina yey. Fitnaday  nafaqo ka helaan iyo reeraha soomaali sida loo kala dilaalo. 


So OGs of Sayid Mohamed Abdille Hassan, Somalia's hero and freedom fighter of whom without him Jeegaan would still be washing the queens feet with bare hands, is a fair game that deserve to be rounded up and handed down to Tigrays!!!!! on the other hand what Dlock do or does is treachery. What you clan does is always right but other clans waa musiibo? Caqli lix saaac. Honestly what sick brain you have.

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On the contrary samafal we have had a successful elections. Next  year we are going to have another elections.  The pirate enclave security is failing  there are daily killings  every day like this one. The pirate business Hadamaba jiro wu so xidhmay. The south  is still the same same old shabaab and  just a new  thief  in town. Tukaraq you have lost  you are still to coward to fire one bullet you know madaxweyne muse  will capture the small cabdi cawar and arrest him.  As for the Ethiopians we all know  who is on  the side of the Ethiopians it was always you.  Who sided  who even sold your own clan cousins to the tigres. Marka xabashi mabaan so hadalqaadeen hadaan adiga ku ahaan laha.


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Xaaji Muqayil, I presented you with facts, you present me Cantarabaqash. Speaking of Habeshi, you are the ones who change depending  ,on Oromo/Tigray change. One day you handing in OGs, one day former Tagray servants such as Ilay's boys. That is shameless if you ask me. ,You serve every master well

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Ethiopia and Somaliland have business ties berbera coridor and port business . Your  Faroole said og are not Somali  you handed your own kith and Kin to tigray. You used Ethiopians  to fight the  Islamic courts union. The list is long saaxib  Your coward treasonous  past  cidwalba og. Waydinki sacabka u tumay dhamaantinba. Odaygi cabdilahi yusuf yey iyo adeerkin gabre. Maantana cabdicawar  baad somali xalaal ah ka dhigaysa. Hada weynu isnaqana.

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Now don't start the delusion of Ethopia and Somaliland as if they have equal footing. There is master and servant relationship. You are just living up to your past. Absolute disdain for anything Somali and  boot-licking to any colonising foreigner.  

A/laahi Yusuf was president of the country and it was nothing to do with Puntland. For matter of fact it was Ali Guled who led the operation as he was the prime minster, and they requested  a neighbour to help them against the government's enemy. Nothing to do with Puntland.

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The mad mullah of Abyssinia might be a hero to your kinfolk. But  not to us. He was a mere doobile in berbera  in the late  1800s.  He came with a saalixya order and we told him adeer  reerkina  u tag kuma naqaane eh. Abtiyasay iyo ku nece  ururti reer kheyr abtiirsintaadu waxay gasha  eyda reer xamar. Berbera ina imaan iyo Ina  ithaan you jamac haabil ba ka qawdhama  adeer. Ina  calacaal xassan sheekadisa idinku wadaad idinyahay anaganooma aha.

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