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Photosynth - Microsoft 's catching up

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Check it out. This is for BlueEboch. Amazing stuff.


Google of course has its own brand dupped Street View.


iPhone is coming out in two weeks. Dunno all the details -- whether it is goin to be unlocked -- also the compatability issues vs. other carriers...regardless I find it to be a helluva gadget (not tht I have one just the specs that I've read so far tells me this toy is at bar with prev Steve magic products).


Busy as hell... missed SOL's muran and love...will get back and start a helluva muran in fab politics section Allah willing.


Ok hold on to ur green and don't buy the iPhone (I don't work for Apple btw) cuz I will test it for you and post a complete review on the toy Insha'Allah.


Sida kale waa shax shax soo ma aha qaraabo. Super.

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I just stumbled onto this PC magazine I bought from some airoport in one of the layovers. It has this article about Google and its intrusive data collection. The title is "Cover Your Tracks Online". I thought I would share with u guys. Here we go:


"1. Yes, You have to sign it first. To remove Google's personalized search head on over to and sign in to your account.


2. Stroll down the memory line and pick some days on the calendar to see every search made since you created your Google account.


3. Clear your slate. Select the Clear Search History button, check items you wish to remove and then click Clear History button. Remember that even after you remove items, logs and backups will exist on Google's servers.


4. Stop the collection. Tp prevent Google from collecting this data in the future, select items such as Web, Images, and News that you don't want to collect data, then press the Pause button."

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iPhone-na yaa waxaas rabo. Uf!{read: tukulush(sp?)} :D . Waynikiisa ma aragteen? Screen like that will bust quite easily. What about how thin it is, and the possibility of flexing that massive screen. No thanks. Oh and Imagine how scratched this thing will get. Uf again! :D

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now u see why western world hords refugees! u know why...cause they r the best consumers!! they are cash register best friend or crbf.


i ask this q's my co-workers, i am the only foreigner, none said they gonna buy it...


4 $500 a pop, i will keep my 4 cell phone for now, my iphone will probably come to play 09 when its much less... thnx


for this google...did u think, commerical thing is without any catch. u need to do alot of track covering when u is on the net. i will post some later...!

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Libaax and Xiin grazies amici.


Shez keep it up. There u have it. Make use of the info.


Rudy has a point. It is expensive toy. But then again gadgets is acquired taste. Not to mention this one comes with all the goodies including ipod. Now how much does 8gig Ipd cost? Do the math.

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