
This is what it means being under occupation... even after 60 years the humiliation is apparent

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LOL @  so-called "Humiliation"

Germany happens to be the Operational headquarters of all NATO forces in Europe where almost all of the Alliance's operations originate. Germans earn billions from the presence of these forces, with the added bonus of not needing to maintain a high Defense budget of their own.

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I could have agreed if this was Poland or other poor Eastern European countries which this sort of arrangement would make economic sense. But for German? I bet the billions you are talking amounts to loose change for them. 


The Japanese are in the same boat. In fact, there are active protest against American military bases in Japan.The Japenese gov't can't do much since they signed it (forced to...).


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The reason why there is so much friction between the US and its European allies especially Germany is the fact that the Europeans spend so little on their defense and instead rely on the Americans for protection. I heard Germany even donates military equipment to Poland as an insurance policy against Russia. 

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32 minutes ago, Tallaabo said:

The reason why there is so much friction between the US and its European allies especially Germany is the fact that the Europeans spend so little on their defense and instead rely on the Americans for protection. I heard Germany even donates military equipment to Poland as an insurance policy against Russia. 

America is an empire without territories. It is actually in their interest to be in Germany even they may sell this as a move against Russia. And with former communist countries including Poland, Hungary looking east, it is ever more important for Germans to have the Yanks there.

And  honestly, Europeans need a referee or they will go back to fighting themselves


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If thats what an occupation looks like, then sign me up!

One thing i have learned from the historical and up to present day colonizers/occupiers is that they come in different packages, by example the Countries that the France occupied are all unstable piss poor countries, while those countries that were occupied by the British empire all have stable Government, and the same with USA occupied countries but better as they are not only stable but also prosperous economically  (Like Japan and Germany).


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