Che -Guevara

Should the clans of individuals that committed henious crimes be identified?

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This is in regards to the brother who was murdered in the most brutal way because his nephew dare to marry a girl from a "majority" clan. Obviously, the clan as whole didn't commit the crime but the motivation behind the crime is very clear.

It's also worthy, according to the mayor of Xamar, some Xildhibaano tried to defend or free the perpetrators..

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Looool, walee Che your isku dir iyo madaxa isku geli antics among Somalis has reached an embarrassing turning point.

What your suggestion is basically doing is pitting neighbors against neighbors a problem only those who live in Mega Cities Like Mogadishu (and almost Hargeisa)  know the burden too well of how it feels like, as i am sure in your rural backward villages of Garowe iyo Bosaso where nothing about nothing happens except the habitual occasions of cousins marrying cousins, or cousins killings cousins (Intra-Family homicides), naming and shaming culprits will not matter there in your villages as the people there know each other by the name basis very well.

Your ignorant argument of naming and shaming the clans of the culprits is a burden only those who live in Mega Cities such as Mogadishu can only feel, where  neighbors, co-workers or even family are of different clans coexisting in harmony and an in peace for a grace only a Mega City can bless with, but the moment your disgusting ignorant suggestions were to be implemented, all fabric of the society will dismantle in a high rate of speed unseen before and chaos will ensue.

As i am sure you have heard the saying before, that in Mogadishu nobody asks or is asked about its clan, its a matter of privacy, i am sure that this seems weird concept to you because of your village mentality and the lack of coexistence among the rest of Somaliweyne in Puntland, where even your Puntlands President spews habitual racial slurs out in the open against other Somali Clans as is the norm there in the Villages of Garowe iyo Bosaso.

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No Che, you were very clear, your aim and target was that all pirates have, you were after the People of Mogadishu, you couldn't hide that hateful filth that oozed from you.


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