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Somali male name

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Are you serious? damn I thought I had this figured ..thanx again


So Che what is the day after tomorrow Saad Danbe?


So Saad is the guy's name?

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I can't think of a name that starts with S and means Friday. Could it be that his name was Jamac and he thought it means Friday lol...


I will let u know if i think of anything..


I thought saakuun was the day before doraad.

Che u need to upgrade ur somali icon_razz.gificon_razz.gif


Now I am confused is Saakuun the day before yesterday or the day after tomorrow?

Money as already mentioned sakuun is the day after tomorrow where doraad is the day before yesterday...


are u guys serious I wonder what language you guys converse with ur parents n grandparent icon_razz.gif


wa salaamu alaikum

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^ *ehum* *ehum*


adiga xataa waa gashay Aaliyah


sahan danbe = the day after tomorrow


saakuun = the day after sahan danbe



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Originally posted by Tuitero:

He said that it means "Friday". I looked from the dictionary and it said that Friday is jimce/jamce. I remeber that his name began with S and it was something like "Saidi". Could you help me out, please?

Don't listen to these people, they have no idea what they're talking about...If his name starts with 'S' and he said it means 'Friday'...Then his name is 'Sjimcaale'...The 'S' is silent though, so it is pronounced 'Jimcaale'... :D


This is ani saan u aqaan:


Biri = Tomorrow

Biri dambe = Day after tomorrow

Saakuun = Third day from today


Maanta = Today


Shalay = Yesterday

Doraad = Day before yesterday

Doraad tii kahoreysay = well you can guess this one... :D

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wazzup with the newbees these days! r they coming from same mental hospital... they all asking weired q's?


homie gal, if u dont remember his name, hes history, move along...i betchya u wont forget my name!! even though i will never remember yours..


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^LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@same mental hospital...Seems that way, doesn't it?



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This is what I used to hear --


Saakuun sidataal, saad danbe , setimaanka soo socdo , sitimaankiisa kale , jimco ka jimco sideed , sabti sagaal axad tobon, sidataal , lug hore , lug danbe, alaahu mustacaan... ..kala haadkii ..arbaco koombaaleeydii, cosa fare, jimco baasteeleey, istaaqfurloowgii...seben ka seben..


But Saakuun was an alien thing and I am still confused about it even though ayeeyo Kool Cat's version makes sense.


al these are seasons, clander days, weeks and months. I think I read somewhere that Somalis used to have a calendar system based on the sun or the moon before Islam and reer baadiye used it.


My grandfather was part of the Somali Academy of Arts and Culture and we had books by Muuse Galaal, Kadare, and others. I need to find where all these books about astronomy literature and so on went to. We lost a treasure because of the civil war and qaxii.


You only hear these things if you had two ayeeyos in the same roof which I did.

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I got this from Aftahan about the names of different times of the days in Somali.



And you all need to get this book -


Stars, seasons weather in Somali pastoral tradition by Muusa H.I. Galaal.


Author: Galaal, Muusa H. I.

Title: Stars, seasons weather in Somali pastoral tradition / / Muusa H.I. Galaal.


Niamey, Niger : CELHTO, 1992.


90 p. : maps ; 24 cm.


African Cultures


Weather -- Folklore.

Somalia -- Folklore.



Markaan soo xigto mid ka mid ah buugaagta dhaxalka ah ee uu ka tegay Xaaji Muuse Galaal, kaas oo ah "Xiddigaha, xilliyada iyo cimilada sida ay u taqaan Soomaalida xoolo-dhaqatadu" oo ku qoran afka Ingiriisiga (Appendix 3), wuxu maalinta u qaybinayaa sidan hoos ku qoran. Xaaji Muuse Galaal, siduu ku xusay Buuggiisan, wuxu soo xiganayaa: Hunt, J.A, "A General Survey of the Somaliland Protectorate, 1944-1950."


Caano-maal oo u kala baxa ama u qaybsama: Maalin iyo Habeen. Markaynu Maalinta iyo Habeenkaba soo qaadanno, waxay u kala baxaan iyaguna markooda: Gelin Hore iyo Gelin Danbe. Markaynu Maalinta soo qaadanno,


Gelinka Hore wuxu u sii kala baxaa:


* Arooryo: saaacad badhkeed ka dib markay cadceeddu soo baxdo,

* Barqo-yar: Arooryo ilaa 8.30 saacadood,

* Xiksin: 8.30 � 9.30,

* Barqo-kulul: 9.30 � 10.30,

* Hadh-soo-kor: 10.30 � 11.30,

* Hadh: 11.30 � 12.30,


Gelinka Danbe wuxu u sii kala baxaa:


* Duhur: 12.30 � 14.00,

* Duhur dabadii: 14.00 � 15.00,

* Casar dheer: 15.00 � 15.30,

* Casar: 15.30 � 16.30,

* Casar gaaban: 16.30 � 18.00,

* Maqrib: 18.00 � 18.30,


Habeenku wuxu isna u kala baxaa: Gelin Hore iyo Gelin Danbe:


Gelinka Hore:


* Fiid: 18.30 � 19.30,

* Caweys: 19.30 � 21.30,

* Saq dhexe: 21.30 � 02.00,


Gelinka Danbe:


* Jiidh: (Dawn),

* Arooryo Hore: Cadceed soo-baxa ka hor,

* Waaberi: Sagalka cadceed soo-baxa ka soo horreeya,

* Arooryo: 06.00 � 06.30.


Magacyada maalmaha Soomaaliyeed, Xasan Sheekh Muumin waxa kale oo uu maalintaa u cuskaday, ciyaar carruurnimadii la ciyaari jiray oo ay degaammadu ku kala duwaanaan karaan ama ku kala duwan yihiinba. Wuxu tusaale u soo qaatay ciyaarta la yidhaa "Biitooy Laabo" oo galbeedka iyo bariga Somaliland si kala duwan looga ciyaaro. Tusaale ahaan, Xasan Sheekh Muumin wuxu soo qaatay in degaammada galbeedka Hargeysa looga ciyaari jiray: "Koobin, laabin, Laba Kootaar, Kootaar, Birbiraay birta qabo, Soo-rogaay toban dheh, Biijooy laabo". Hargeysa iyo degaammada ku dhow ama ku xeersan waxa looga ciyaaraa: "Kun-bulloow, Kun-bullaale caddoow, Xabag geed ka baxdaay, Bile Bile, Bile Jire, Koodaar, Ta u dheer, ee u dhexe, ku jaboo, ku jiqsii." Degaammada Bariga Hargeysana si kale ayaa looga ciyaaraa.


Xasan Sheekh Muumin, wuxu aamminsan yahay in barbaarinta carruurta loo adeegsan jiray murtida, sidaa darteedna markay ku ciyaarayaan "Koobin, Laabin", ay ahayd iyaga oo ku tababaranayay maalmaha Soomaaliyeed. Isaga oo aragtidaa ka dhaqaaqaya, Xasan Sheekh Muumin sidan soo socota ayuu u taxay magacyadii maalmaha Soomaaliyeed siday isaga ugu muuqatay waa:


1. Koobin: Axad,

2. Lammin: Isniin,

3. Lamtoka: Salaasa,

4. Koodaar: Arbaca,

5. Hakisa: Khamiis,

6. Hakis-bila: Jimce,

7. Soo-roga: Sabti,



This stuff is good if you wanna learn the real Somali culture ...honestly

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Saakuun sidataal, saad danbe , setimaanka soo socdo , sitimaankiisa kale ,
jimco ka jimco sideed , sabti sagaal axad tobon,
sidataal , lug hore , lug danbe,
alaahu mustacaan...
..kala haadkii ..arbaco koombaaleeydii, cosa fare, jimco baasteeleey, istaaqfurloowgii...seben ka seben..

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL...Walahi, after an exam, this is exactly what I needed maanta...Thanks...


Hayeh, adna groupka aan ayeeyda u ahay maakusoo darsoontay...Taxta amrak, anaa ayeeyo, babiskeyna waa ii diyaarsan yahay ogay - just incase you go out of line... :D

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