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Israel wipes its shoes over British law- Straw Apologises

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Do you want to challenge, compete and upstage the Israeli lobby? Get real and ditch your principles. That's politics, my dear.

Do I even need to say anything, I could successfully argue that the only reason the Israeli lobby has and continues to succeed is because of the basic principles. I admire them to no ends because although their principles are hard to justify to everyone else, they have not only maintained it, but have managed to brainwash people into accepting or tolerating them.



Don't hide behind Ngonge trash about dropping principles please. I know you really don't think that you have to sacrifices your basic principles in order to be involved in politics. If you do then what is the point of you just adding to the numbers??


Come general election I will vote either on the one who is least oppressive to Muslims both here and aboard or Muslims will block vote to ensure there is not a majority of who ever wins in parliament, there by making the government decision making process more restrictive with better scrutiny.

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^^ Basic principles are one thing, the stuff about not being able to live with yourself are another. Now, please oblige me and successfully argue that.

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It’s all very simply, if you want your way put up the $.$.$, lobbying is a fancy word for donation which is a covert way of bribing ...

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