
Cheeseman gets no RSVP from regional leaders...

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Deg Deg::Madaxweyne Farmaajo Aad Uga Cadhooday Shirka Looga Baxay.

Shirka Golaha Amniga Qaranka ee uu Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo iclamiyay in uu muqdisho ka furmo maanta oo isniin ah ayaa Baaqday, kadib markii baaqa madaxweynaha ay ajiibi waayeen madaxda maamul Goboleedyadda.

War murtiyeedkii ay Madaxda maamul goboleedyaddu ka soo saareen Shirkii ay Kismaayo ku yeesheen 4 illaa 8 dii ayey eedeeyn ugu soo jeediyeen Dowladda faderaalka ah ee Soomaaliya, edeeyntaas oo ay ugu weyneed faragalin maamuladooda ka dhan ah iyo Masuuliyaddii amni oo ay sheegeen in ay Dowladda gabtay.

Sidoo kale Madaxdu waxaa ay War murtiyeedkaas ku sheegeen in hakiyeen xiriirkii kala dhexeeyay Dowladda faderalka ah.

Intaas kadib Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed farmaajo ayaa shir wada tashi ah isugu yeeray madaxda Dowlad Goboleedyadda, laakiin 14 kii Bishaan ayey madaxdu maamul goboleedyaddu War ay soo saareen waxaa ay shuruud adag ku hor dhigeen ka qayb galkooda shirka.

Gudoomiyaha Gobolka banaadir Cabdi raxmaan Cumar Cismaan Yariisow oo ka mid ah golaha Amniga Qaranka ayaa madaxda maamul goboleedyadda waxaa ugu baaqay in ay shirka u yimaadaan si loo dhameeyo wixii khilaaf ah ee jira.

Xiriirka Dowladda faderaalka iyo maamul goboleeyada ayaa waxaa uu gaaray heerkii ugu hooseeyay tan iyo markii maamul goboleedyadda la dhisay, dhexdoodanana waxaa ka tagan degenaansho la’aan siyaasadeed.

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Now that Cheeseman knows where he stands in the grand scheme of things, what does being a phantom President holed up behind foreign soldiers in Villa AMISOM mean? 


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5 hours ago, Oodweyne said:


In the real world that is out there such a thing means nothing. And that means, no man with any honor, any sense of dignity would be seen dead in actually calling himself a leader of his nation, if on the other hand he actually, in real life sort of sense, is hiding behind such mercenaries to guard him, like the manner Mr Cheeseman of Villa Somalia is doing now.

Similarly, even the likes of Mr Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan, whose his country is another failed Muslim country, had seen to it to have enough self-respect in his country and in himself to actually create a minimum army to protect his Capital, namely, the Kabul,  and also his presidential place.

Although, the murderous Taliban daily attack his capital and his presidential compound, whenever they can. But, still, he will keep that sense of self-respect about himself and about his own country, that he will insist, that, an Afghani soldiers should be the ones guarding him and dying for him, instead of multi-nationals protection army, that are already in his country. 

Moreover, even, if God forbid, we in Somaliland didn't had the ability to guard our presidential palace in Hargeisa by our own forces, then, firstly, we would have stop claiming to be Republic of our own. Period. And secondly, no one in Somaliland would actually defend Somaliland, if she was in that sort of contemptible existence.

Why? Because if you are so lacking that basic of a decency and honor about yourself, to the extend that you are not in a position to guard your own self, then stop expecting others to take you seriously. In fact, stop altogether, to be thinking that deserve nothing but "contempt" from all concern.

However, in Somalia, nothing of that sort of thing actually matters to them in one jot.

And more specifically what doesn't matter to them are these:

"......A sense of honor, of dignity, of decency, of self-respect, of sheer self-reflection, of deeply being truthful to oneself, of respecting your own history, of even thinking that you deserve a noble destiny in so far as your posterity is concern and therefore think hard as to the sort of collective fist of an attempt you should make for it......"

And yet, if you draw all of these despoiled and dishonor existence in which they currently are swimming  in it, their stock-in-trade one-word answer is that:

"......We have recognized government with the seat at the UN....."

And to boot, they even inquire as to whether you did see the "pictures" of their president Farmaajo in Beijing with the rest of the African leaders.

For that is what actually matters to them. "Not the litanies of real sense of what nations were supposed to be about".

Consequently, everything else that makes society, that makes a nation, that is, in essence, the "hinge of destiny" for any community on this earth is basically none of their concern. 

Hence, it's impossible to even have with them a decent half-way discussion of anything of a larger importance, or anything that has a larger consequences.

Given that a "recognized flag, a seat at the UN, and an IC-endowed legitimacy of their government", is actually all that matters to then. End of discussion. Period.

Even if they are in effect, in this day and age, under an "actually living African colonization", which is a modern colonization in which the UN have created for them.

Waar dadkan haku daalin waa ummad aan fahansanayn wadaninimo iyo dawladnimotoona waxa ay tahay. Xitaa ma garanayaan waxa xoriyadu kaga duwantay guumaysiga. Madaxdoodu makala garanayaan shisheeye iyo sokeeye, Kikiyu iyo Soomaali isku si ayay u arkaan. 

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