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Barma= Boroma?

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Ibn Said al Maghribi (1250) Kitab Djoughrafiya fi l’ aqalim al Sab (Book of maps of the seven climes) born in Spain



....Berbera, (Qa'idat al Barabar) the capital of the berbers, of which Amou-el-Qis described the slaves and horses. who are considered really good. Most of those people did become Muslim by now. This town is at 68 deg longitude and 6 deg 30 min latitude. The Nile of Maqdishu from where it leaves lake Koura continues ascending in this section up to 11 deg lat. and 66deg long. then swings round to the east (south) of Barbara from which it is separated by a degree; then curves to the east (south) of Maqdishu.

In this section among the towns of Berbera and after Berbera, which is the capital, one finds on the Indian Ocean shore: Serfouna or Carfouna (or Qarquna/Farfuna), which is placed in a bay at the beginning of that sea, 64 deg 30 min longitude and 0 deg 20 min latitude. More to the east is another town of the Berbers, called Berma, (Barma) also located in a bay at 66 deg longitude and 1 deg latitude. Further to the east is Llhafouny (Hafuni, Ras Hafun), a big mountain very well known by travelers. It seems like it goes into the lands towards the south for a distance of 100 miles. At the same time it also goes into the sea for about 140 miles, in a northerly direction, with an inclination to the east. In that part that you can see, there are 7 peaks, the sailors count them and are happy when they are past. Marka, to the east (south) of Hafuni, in the celebrated land of Barbara, on the seacoast is found Marka whose inhabitants are Muslim. It is the Capital of the country of the Hawiya which contains more then 50 villages on the banks of the river branching out from the Nil Maqdishu 69 degrees 30 min longitude 1 degrees 10 min North latitude It is placed on the side of a river that comes out of the Nile of Magdachou and has its mouth at 2 marhala to the east of the town. Out of that river comes an arm that forms close to Meurka a sort of gulf. At the east of Meurka is the Muslim town of Magdachou (madinat al Islam) celebrated in this region whose name Maqdishu occurs frequently on the lips of travelers.... 72 degrees longitude, 2 degrees latitude at the Indian Ocean shore, its harbor offers little security.

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Salam Mr Camel Herder.



Are you saying Zinedine Zidane, Kareem Benzema and Samir Nasri are Somalis since they’re all Berbers? smile.gif



Peace, Love & Unity.

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No saxiib: Somalis were historically the black berbers...Hence why ibn Batuta said the Sheikh of Muqdisho, " spoke Berber Language and also Arabic"........


neway: ne1 have answer 2 my question?

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