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This is ridiculous, the way they are treating those poor faaraxs. They look like they are confused, frightened and couldn't understand qeyladooda, too. Winnipeg is in Manitoba, Soomaalida Kanada ku cusub u badan dadka degan meeshaas.


I hope the faaraxs sue their #$@#%.


Before you read the news report, watch the clip.



Winnipeg gunpoint arrest prompts questions


Members of Winnipeg's Somali community are looking for answers after two young men were pulled from a car at gunpoint in an apparent case of mistaken identity.


Police briefly detained Mustafe Nur and a passenger in his car after a traffic stop at Kennedy Street and Cumberland Avenue just before 2:41 a.m. CT Sunday.


In a video of the incident captured by a freelance videographer, the officers first ordered Nur from the vehicle at gunpoint, followed soon after by the male passenger.


The video depicts the officer dealing with Nur becoming agitated when he does not immediately comply with spoken commands.


"Step out slowly," the unidentified officer says. "Step out slowly – good job," he repeats as Nur gets out of the vehicle. However, the officer's commands become more urgent when Nur doesn't appear to understand what he was being asked.


About two minutes into the traffic stop, Nur is handcuffed on the ground. The passenger is also soon taken into custody.


Nur said in an interview Tuesday that police dragged him on the concrete and hit him in the head with the butt of a gun, leaving him with a cut and swelling behind his ear.


He said he was scared and shocked, and didn't understand what the officer was asking him to do.


"I need a place to live where there is peace — no gun, no shooting, anything like that," Nur said.


'High-risk' stop


Police said the two men matched the description of two armed robbery suspects and moved in to arrest them in what's called a "high-risk" traffic stop.


That means the possibility of violence or the presence of weapons in the vehicle are placed at the top of an officer's mind when approaching the vehicle and they typically do so with guns drawn.


Police said a report was written on the incident and there was no indication of wrongdoing.


The arresting officers at the scene apologized to the two men, police said. They were released without charge after about 45 minutes.


The president of the Manitoba Somali Association said the apology isn't good enough.


"We haven't seen anything written, we haven't seen anything person to person as a community," Mustafa Ibrahim said.


"In the past we've had good relations with the police, so I hope they contact us and take it from there," he said.


Ibrahim said he wants to know more about the situation in hopes of preventing a similar situation in the future.


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Like these two haven't seen guns before, or had one pulled on them. It's always better to do what the cops tell u in a situation like that then have them tase or possibly even shoot u. I once reported my car stolen to the cops but later found out my brother took it. I forget to call them back, until a neighbor who was a cop run the tags and found it was still on the system. Anyways cop said if I was stopped and it said it was stolen, they would've pulled me out at gun point and lay on the ground and stuff and they found whose car it was.

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LoL which one u rather have, them screaming at u or thinking ur reaching for a gun and letting a dog loose at u or tasing u. them two need to watch COPS on tv.

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WTH! I see absolutely nothing wrong with the way the police handled the situation on the video...Soomaalina wax la buunbuuniyo lee jecel yihiin...From the video, unless there's another one, noone was dragged or hit as the paper reports...


As it also clearly states in the paper:


That means the
possibility of violence or the presence of weapons
in the vehicle are placed at
the top of an officer's mind
when approaching the vehicle and they typically do so with guns drawn.

Marka maxey rabeen in iyagoo madaxa loo salaaxaayo gaariga kasoo daga ladhahaa? :D Sheekadaan waa laga bad-badinooyaa and the apology from the officers should be good enough!

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The Zack   

^Police-kiinu illeen wuu ceytamaa..listen to what they are saying very closely, that alone is unacceptable. Everybody is innocent until proven guilty.


The kicking and hitting part is not in this video, agreed.


P.s. the description they matched probably said " two skinny black dudes with a Japanese car" :D

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Originally posted by The Zack:

^Police-kiinu illeen wuu ceytamaa..listen to what they are saying very closely, that alone is unacceptable.
Everybody is innocent until proven guilty.

Ma police amaantamaad aragtay? Nagadaa yaaqo, you can clearly hear the frustration in their voices...He's telling the guy to walk toward him, instead the guy is walking the other direction, wah...Teeda kale, I'm a true believer of 'Everybody is guilty until proven innocent'...Aduunkii isbadal yaaqoo... :D

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The Zack   

Police amaantamo ma arkin lakin mid ceytamana ma arkin either.


LOL@everybody is guilty until proven innocent, afrikaanad waaxid. That is how we, Africans, do it.

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Poor command of the English language was at play here.


It was a scary moment.


Mistaken identity my foot, it is very unfortunate for an innocent person to go through that ordeal. Horrific.

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