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Somali Pirate

Al shabab, the heroes of somalia

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In the darkest hours of somalia, when somalia has been brought down to it's knees. By it's eternal enemy eithopia and the collabrators who called themselves somalis. When men were killed like animals, when waddads were murdered in their masjid, when the women were raped by eithopians, when the chidren became orphans, when somalis ran to the four corners of somalia looking for help and shelter, when somalis became refugees in their own country, when somalia the pride of east african has literally gone to the dogs as the eithopians killed somalis as the traitors laughed at the deaths of their own brothers and sisters, i though our country has finally crumpled.


But No, a group of young somalis, bound by the death of their fathers, their mothers, their sisters, their grandparents under a brutal occupation and their faith have finally said enough is enough. Unshackled by qabeel mentality and clannism, their purpose was one, their zeal unflinching, their goal, to restore somalia back to somalis. They shouted, we are somalis and we will fight to defend and free our land. They drew support from the common man and their faith in Allah. They knew the task of freeing the country is not easy. They had the enemies of allah hell bent in subjugating their beloved country and worst of all they had hypocrites and traitors in their midst who called themselves somali.


So on the went, fighting to free their land. They were mocked, ridiculed by the eithopians, by the americans and even by their own selfish traitors hiding in their midst who were drunk on power and greed. Days, past by and inch by inch, the resistance grew harder and harder. The enemies of allah plotted and killed many people to quiet the resistance but the somali spirit never gave up.


And after 2 years of struggle for freedom, the goal has become closer to reality. A goal fastened out of the somali spirit, the faith in Allah and the blood of the young somalis who gave their lives in service of the country. As a somali, i can safely say that no matter what i do in life no deeds of mine can match the courage and bravery of these men and the sacrifice they gave for our country. But i can pay my respects to them, the heroes who died for somalia and those still fighting to free the rest of the country. Thank You Allah for these men and may they rest in peace. Somalia owes thanks to them


Today, people are coming back to mogadishu, safe in the knowledge that their lives are in the hands of somalis once again. Once again, hope is reborn

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When the forces that stand for good, and those that fight for evil ends become indistinguishable due to their deeds, vouching for even former friends becomes a futile, and potentially, a dangerous affair.

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Reading the first post there reminded me of this:


"In 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire: THE A-TEAM."

Ta-tata-ta..da-da-da..taata-tat-taaaa..taaa-dada-d adaaaa

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