
Somaliland incriminates itself in a desperate attempt to appeal to Puntlanders

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They are suddenly claiming Caare is a criminal in a bid to appeal to reer Puntland, they also said they promoted him despite those alleged crimes against reer Sool bal yaabkan eega, if he was a criminal why did you promote him?  Suddenly when he quit the Somaliland project bu noqday nin xuun  :D



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4 hours ago, Ducale said:


Somaliland waa dawlad, Caare'na waa sarkaal ciidamada somaliland ka tirsanaa oo sakhrad masayr ku abuurtay.

Codka dawlaada ayaa markasta ka sareeya wixii cadiifadeysane yago waxba ka maqnayn dhaqan Oromeed la yimaada. Gartaada hadaad geedka la dhaaftid adey kuu taala. Guri ****  dabada la gashaye cadkaana hadaba halkaa ka raadso.


Why are Jeegaans so desperate to appeal to Puntlanders and the **** community suddenly?  :D baqdiin ba idinka keentay.

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6 minutes ago, Ducale said:

Guriga lagu dhuumanayo  cida ka masuul ah waa in lala hadla. Sheekadu iney isbadashay la soco. No more madax salaax yaa saalax. 


Somaliland has been financing Al shabab in Galgala for a while.  There is no reason for Puntland or any other mamuul goboleed to do favours for the dying Jeegaan admin.  :D

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Just now, Che -Guevara said:

So, they are admitting crimes committed by Sland forces.

Who advised these men to give a press conference?


Yep to make  matters worse they are saying they gave him a promotion after that. :D :D    The khat properly advised them kk.

  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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7 minutes ago, Ducale said:


Which means ta kaliya ee sakhraan caare sheekDisu ku hirgaleysa waa isago somaliland funding ka codsada. Reerkan laga dhigo iney lacgtu back gardenka guryahooga uga baxdo muu kharash weydiisto am sure iney kujiraan  some aan jeegaanta la fikir ahayne. 


Ya kugu yidhi Caare lacag la'an ba haysa. He has secure funding specially with the recent road tax imposed on the Jeegaan and the salary he confiscated from the army few months back. :D

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50 minutes ago, Ducale said:

Saalax, maybe if Caare & Co adopted the symbol of Oromo struggle? Waxaan filaya in serious la'idiin qaadan laha hadii gacmaha cross ka dhigtaan. Horta waxaan ku weydiiyay Afaan Oromo Bekta?


War niyohow adiga Oromo iga dhow. Gabiley has a lot of Oromos that voted for them (specially underage children in the elections).  :D

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