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Channel 4 8PM: Dispatches: Phil Rees investigates the root of suspected islamic extre

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Channel 4


8PM: Dispatches: Britain under attack: With the country under constant threat of terror ), reporter Phil Rees investigates the root of suspected islamic extremisim in the UK

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People are doing these shows just to get a name these days. Its the 'in' thing,,,,Islamic Extremism next door!

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I think this one is different. It is showing Muslims who are against the "extremists" and sum debates between the Muslims themselves...yeah its on tnite

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cant believe they wont have some sort of sensationalist 'be affraid, be very affraid' under current


We will see,,,,

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The whole country is obsessed with Muslims these days. But I think these programmes will make people want to read more on Islam.

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I though it was very good intellecutally presenteed programme, which covered a diverse range of ideas. This is the first time it touched on the ideological issues within Islam that can be used to justify attacks against´the West, namely the ideas of of Darul Harb and Darul Amn. And whether attacks are permissable when a host country supposedly breaks a convenant with Muslims.

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The show also showed, how Muslims fighters were termed as 'Mujaahids' when they were fighting Russians and the Serbs but as soon the tables were turned and they were now defending muslim land against USA and Britian they suddenly become 'extremist and terrisostt' of the worst kinds.


you have to hand it to Begg and the other guy, they spoke well and said it like it should be said.

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