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Dr Ligle

UK Welsh Somalis 95% Unemployed. BBC Facting Report

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It's like Ibtisam pointed out earlier, the over use of exclamation marks and also I notice the excessive amount of'uffs', just to demonstrate a couple of lines:


Ina_Gaweta- ‘Uk people are useless, wa dad dhintay!!! Uff’


Marx- ‘How exactly did you figure this out. uff allow chatting bullshid.’


It really isnt't that difficult to work out bro :rolleyes:

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Acuudu Bilaah! hadalbadnaa waxa ma qumaybaa...


Ina I think adiga ayaaba mashaqeyste ah oo computerka iska kor fadhiya sidii lax tacbaan ah!


stop talking and do something about your somali community. Those that keep on pointing the finger oo fadhi kudirirka are those that we don't need...


I can't never say anything about somalis and working.. all I know is we know how to survive and thats what matters.. In this world, everyone good or bad take advantage of the system..


For you new kids on the block, wlc and a good start :D:D meesheeda rabshada ka wada


Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Dr Ligle   

lol do u all think me and mr marx are same people, because i say uff?

ahahahahahahhaah...y o marx i am quite ashamed to be compared to you. Why dont u all compare me to someone significant like abdullahi yusuf!!!



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The first thing that must be done is not denial of this horrendous statistic, what needs to be done is we must name and shame this community. We must let off steam on them and insult them.


Once that is done, then and only then can solutions be provided once they know they are "shame" to somalis and "human beings" around the world!!! We must let these people be known everywhere and let everyone hate them untill t hey realize what their doing is TOTALLY WRONG. Once they realize what their doing is wrong, then can a remedy or solution be provided to this horrific report!!!!

Hayaay, and here I thought there was a legit argument, but the way I see OOhinta orgiga ka weeyn ;) .

To the poster, you sound idiotic at best, ignorant at worst. You might not have noticed it but this is a different kind of forum where we support, encourage, and acknowledge each other's hard-work. So you vomiting convulsively and preaching HATE will get you nowhere debate wise but if your goal is grab attention and boast about your family's immaculate education :rolleyes: , then by all means go ahead :eek: :eek:

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Originally posted by Tuujiyee:

Acuudu Bilaah! hadalbadnaa waxa ma qumaybaa...


Ina I think adiga ayaaba mashaqeyste ah oo computerka iska kor fadhiya sidii lax tacbaan ah!

^^ :D:D:D

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Originally posted by Make a Wish:

^^^ Scarface, before doing this, Ina_G will have to provide with his proposed draft speech/note...


You wouldn't want to waste your wish and (my) expenses if his intentions are just to reiterate the utter kharab he has written.


FYI Scarface, Ina_G will need to include in his speech the following before your wish can be granted:


1. The TRUE nature of this issue (refraining from using random stats plucked from the sky)


2. What has/has not been done to alleviate this so called phenomena


3. What you think should be done about it (after all,you've decided to raise this as a topic, so tell us then- WHAT WORKS?!!!)


3. How you are willing to help (using your MUCH NEEDED expertise)


Drop it off to my office after Iftaar tomorrow evening- pronto!


Scarface: 'What?! That's a big ask!'


Make a Wish: 'Yes, it really isn't worth the effort. Besides, I have just been informed by the director of BMI Baby that it is against their policy to board slanderers'



Your right it really isnt worth wasting our wish, I cant see Ina_G being productive about his speech.

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