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Somali Soccer Fans Go Underground

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MOGADISHU, Somalia—World Cup madness has come to this troubled nation, creating a dangerous cat-and-mouse game between fans eager to watch televised soccer matches and Islamic militants determined to stop them.


The militia group al Shabaab, which controls most of south and central Somalia, has declared the World Cup un-Islamic and banned watching the games on television. By al Shabaab's logic, the World Cup interferes with the militant group's "jihad," to overthrow the government, because young Somalis are too busy watching the games to fight on their behalf. While the group hasn't yet laid out specific consequences for those defying the ban, the militants have been known to behead or amputate limbs of people who oppose them.


Undeterred Somali soccer fans, whose national team failed to qualify for the tournament, are going underground in search of ways to watch the world's largest televised sporting event, which opens Friday in South Africa.


In recent days, wealthier Somalis in both government-controlled and and al Shabaab run areas have been lining up at electronics shops to buy satellite dishes to watch at home. Local technicians will—for a fee—patch together dishes and wires to rig televisions to show the games.


"I don't like my children watching TV—but I don't want to miss watching the World Cup," said Abdullahi Sheikh, a 49-year-old Mogadishu resident who was in line to buy a television and a dish at a shop in town. "It's an amazing event to watch!"


Al Shabaab controls much of Somalia by force. But the militant group's ad-hoc prohibitions have alienated most Somalis. At various times, and in various places around the country, the militants have banned mustaches, dancing and celebrating religious holidays.


For followers of the World Cup, the most dangerous ban is the one on soccer. In 2006, the militant group, which was then the armed wing of the government, the Union of Islamic Courts, launched a violent campaign against Somali fans.


War-weary Somalis don't have the means to fend off al Shabaab, which has sworn to overthrow the government of President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, and the government remains too weak to defeat the militants. Government troops had to fend off a recent attack on the on the presidential palace.


These days, the only public place to watch games safely is at the Dhamuke Cinema, part of a small patch of government-controlled territory in the capital Mogadishu. Dhamuke remains one of the few cinemas al Shabaab hasn't destroyed or shut down. The cinema hosts hundreds of teenagers from around the city to watch movies and soccer matches via satellite.


Dhamuke, which is open every day from 10 a.m. to midnight, is almost always full of young people eager to escape the social strictures imposed in other parts of Somalia. Boys and girls are allowed to sit together—a taboo in al Shabaab-controlled areas. Older soccer addicts also occupy the folding metal chairs.


On nights when soccer isn't on, the audience watches whatever else is on hand—American movies, Bollywood flicks and films in Swahili and Somali. When one finishes, another reel starts rolling. Price of admission is 2,000 Somali shillings, or a few pennies.


Outside of the government-run area, the cinemas will be dark because showing the games is too dangerous. Over the past few years, militants have hurled grenades into cinemas in several towns, killing and injuring people.


In a Mogadishu café on a recent afternoon, young men huddled to discuss their plans for watching the game. "If we have no jobs and can't watch or play football it's heartbreaking—and unacceptable," said Said Haji, a 22-year-old Somali sipping coffee. Mr. Haji lives in the government-controlled area, and will be able to go to the cinema. "Some of my friends don't have that chance," he says.


Some young men say militants have deprived them of one of their only means of entertainment. "We can't play football, we have no cinemas to watch the World Cup and we don't have jobs," said Mohamed Nur, a 24-year-old World Cup fan. "We wake up, and go to sleep, alone."


But not all Somali soccer fans have been dissuaded. People who can't find a cinema are likely to tune into local radio stations that broadcast soccer matches, which haven't yet been banned by al Shabaab. They can also look up scores in Internet cafés. And at informal gatherings, men of every age will debate the merits of their favorite teams late into the night—and as it happens in so many places, sometimes come to blows.

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aah, I love such headlines, every house if not all in Mogadishu has a tv or some kind of internet, now tell me that Alshabaab is gona raid every house and tell people not to watch the games.



YES, cinemas where these days they show sports events, but come'on





In recent days, wealthier Somalis in both government-controlled and and al Shabaab run areas have been lining up at electronics shops to buy satellite dishes to watch at home. Local technicians will—for a fee—patch together dishes and wires to rig televisions to show the games.

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Rooney aka ruuneey! Played like shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidh!!!! looooool Norf kusoo laabo Sports sectionka waraa aan ku jarjarnee lool



Wareer Badanaa!!!!

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Muqdisho, lama ogola daawashada Koobka Adduunka


Inta badan caasimadda Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho ayaa laga daawaneyn Koobka Aduunka ee 2010 ka socda dalka South Afrika sababo la xeriira cabsi iyo amar kasoo baxay Ururada Argagaxisada ah ee Al-shabaab iyo Xisbul Aweys, amarkaas oo farayay in talaabo laga qaadayo cidii lagu arko isagoo daawanayo Kubadda Koobka Aduunka oo ay Ururadaasi Xaqjirka ahi ku tilmaameen wax xaaraan ah oo diintu waafaqsaneyn.


Dhalinyada Ku sugan Muqdisho oo hore loogu diiday inay daawadan wax Film ah ayaa hadana waxaa loo diiday inay daawadaan Ciyaaraha ayagoo arinkaasi u arkay caburin iyo xad gudub waxeyna u baqooleen dhanka Shineemooyin ku yaala goobaha ay dowlada ka taliso sida Xamarweyne, Xamar jajab, madiino iyo qeybo ka tirsan Wardhiigley iyo Boondheere, si ay u helaan xoriyad ay ku daawadan koobkaan oo xiiso gooni ah leh oo 4-tii sano soo mara dunida kaliya hal mar.


Hadaba Akhristoow waxaa Jilaa lasoo xeriiray Axmed-nur Qeys oo ka mid ah aqristayaasha ee Muqdisho waxuuna sheegay in xaalku uu meel xun marayo maadaama ay dhalinto fiirsasho iska daaye, xataa ka sheekeyn karin ciyaaraha adduunka oo hadii lagu maqlo arinkaas ay Islaamiyiintu kula kaci karaan Jirdil ama xarig iyo dhibaatoooyin kale waxuuna Axmed-nur sidoo kale sheegay inuu maalmaha soo socdaa u wareegsan doono xaafadaha aysan ka talin shabaabka si uu u daawado koobkaan uu hadda ka maqlo dhagaha kaliya.





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Ururka Xisbul Islaam oo mamnuucay in Ciyaaraha Adduunka lagu daawado goobaha uu ka taliyo


Talaado, June 15, 2010 (HOL) − Sheekh Maxamed Cismaan Caruus oo ka mid ah Afhayeenka sarsare ee Ururka Xisbul Islaam ayaa sheegay in ururkoosa uusan aqbalayn in ciyaaraha Kubadda Cagta ee Adduunka lagu daawado goobaha ay gacanta ku hayaan.


Sheekh Maxamed Caruus ayaa sheegay in Ciyaaraha Adduunka ay yihiin kuwo la doonayo in lagu marin habaabiyo dhalinyarada, sidaa daraadeedna aysan cidna u ogoleyn inay ku daawato Muqdisho iyo Gobollada dalka.


"Waxaan uga digaynaa dhallinyarada inay ciyaaraha daawadaan, gaar ahaan kuwa ku nool deegaannada aan gacanta ku haynno" ayuu yiri Sheekh Caruus oo intaas ku daray in cid walba oo go'aankooda oo kalena ka qaadata Koobka Adduunka ay soo dhaweynayaan.


Saxaafadda Caalamka qaarkood ayaa tabiyay in ciidamo ka tirsan Ururka Xisbul Islaam ay u dhaceen guri ku yaalla degmada Huriwaa ayna ku dileen laba qof oo ka mid ah daawadayaasha ciyaartii Nigeri iyo Argantine dhexmaray xirayna 10-qof oo kale.


Degmada Afgooye ayaa sidoo kale waxaa lagu xiray 30-qof oo ay ku jiraan caruur aad u da'yar, kuwaasoo daawanayay ciyaartii dhexmaray dalalka Germany iyo Australia, iyadoo dadkaan ay weli ku xiran yihiin xabsiga degmadaas.


"Mar walba waan ka digaynaa in lagu dhiirado daawashada Ciyaaraha Adduunka, waana wax aad u xun in lagu bixiyo lacag iyo waqti ciyaaro aan faa'iido lahayn, lana daawado nin kor iyo hoos u bood-boodaya" ayuu yiri Sheekh Caruus.



Koobka Adduunka oo ay ka qaybgalayaan 31-dal ayaa deegaannada ay kaga sugan tahay Dowladda Magaalada Muqdisho waxaa looga daawadaa si xorriyad ah, waxaana uu noqonayaa markii ugu horreysay oo lagu qabto Qaaradda Afrika.


Xarrakatul Shabaabul Mujaahidiin ayaa iyaduna horay uga mamnuucday Gobollada ay ka taliso in lagu daawado Ciyaaraha Adduunka, iyagoo sheegay inaysan ku bannaaneyn daawashadooda Diinta Islaamka.


Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online

Muqdisho, Soomaaliya

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Xisbul Islam iyo Al Shabaabba waa Cawaaniin, Axmaq ah. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto dadka gardarda lagu dilay.


War waxan Wuxuushta ah yaa ummada masaakiinta ah ka qabta :mad: :mad: :mad:

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