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Somali and Ethiopian Joint Committee held its first meeting in Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa, August 30, 2018 - Somalia and Ethiopia formed, for the first time, a Joint Committee in cooperation to establish a long-term cooperative relationship based on mutual respect and good-neighborliness, as well as the preservation and respect of the sovereignty and unity of both countries.

The two sides talked about issues in bilateral cooperation in the areas of security, economy and water and several other files related to the regional and international situation.

The formation of the joint committee is an important step to move bilateral relations between the two neighbors to develop and arrange new development plans of mutual benefit.

Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda


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No wonder no maamul gobolleed madax ku sheeg had been invited to Adisababa since Caabi Axmed Cali came to power, except a brief transit meeting with Axmed Madoobe that was obviously arranged by Cabdi Ileey.

This reminds me the early years of Sanaawi's rule in dhulka Xabashida in early '90s. He had too much strife on his plate, plus Eritareeya secession that he didn't have any intervention about Soomaali affairs until his army entered and occupied degmooyinka Luuq and Dooloow in mid 1996. That occupation changed his perception of Soomaalis, for after that seminal event he never left the Soomaaliya's affairs.

I hope Soomaali government is empowered and firmly rooted before the new regime of Caabi Axmed Cali is firmly established for we know for sure he will continue intervening Soomaaliya's affairs after he crushes the internal opposition.

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This is a good news. It is not about the time he decides to interfer but when ordered to interfere. With oil in the somali region and election comlng, he has reasons not interfere soon.

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MMA and likes put their energy on Ethopia and what they do and not. I say you are missing the point and until we Somalis face the elephant in the room every Dick and Harry will interfere the internal affairs. If it is not Ethopia it will be UAE. If it is not UAE it is Saudis. If it is not Saudid, it is Kenya. You see!

The elephant in the room is a government which does not have control over its land. A government which can not enforce the rule of law. A government which does not have a national army that force entities to submission and feared by its enemy. Let's concentrate on ourselves and take the blame because we are the ones responsible of this mayhem and only us can change.


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