
It seems Galbeedi was right about Mustafe Cagjar

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Not a single minister named from areas inhabited by the  Awdal, West Burco and South Hargeisa communities in Ethiopia who together make up nearly 1 million in the Awbare, Awaare, Daroor, Gashamo, Dembel, Jigjiga and Danot districts.  While he named not only a minister but several for every little D-block juffo.  :D   @abtigiis    are you telling us nearly 1 million people who live in the Somali region of Ethiopia  don't deserve representation ciyaarta masjiidka ka daa. 


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Not only did he ignore the beesha you mentioned above, he also ignored most of HAG blocks that live at eastern front next to Oromos, @Abtigiisis no differnce then Abdi ina Iley, wakahi i have lost all political faith of these dumb folks beesha Bigfoots.

Intellectuals and Politicians abroad and insde in Ethiopia of the HAG and D1r Communities are calling for a separation of the Somali state, they want to form a different state that combines the HAG and Dir lands in the Western parts of the Somali state and theSomali lands in Eastern parts of Oromo state while making Dhire Dhabe the capital state, here below is an Oromo professor close to PM Abiy Ahmed that supports this idea, a State that combines Irir lands with Afran Oromos;

In short quote he says;

"Some parts of Ethiopian Somali region can also merge with eastern parts of Oromia regional state and Dire dawa can also serve as the the capital, Of the new region we can refer to as eastern Ethiopia regional state (consisting of Irir Somalis and Afran Oromos)"


The politically inept dumb Beesha Bigfoots will never bring any good tangible changes to the collective Somali people outside their own the D block, hence its best to separate from them and create a state where we actually matter in dignity, Mustafa Omar is no better than the Criminal Abdi ina Iley!


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dalmar federating with Oromos is not the solution. However the likes of Cagjar should be kicked to the curb come the 2020 regional election. It is unacceptable that he gave every little D-block jufo a minister while ignoring  millions of people. 

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1 minute ago, Saalax said:

dalmar federating with Oromos is not the solution. However the likes of Cagjar should be kicked to the curb come the 2020 regional election. It is unacceptable that he gave every little D-block jufo a minister while ignoring  millions of people. 

2 years in the political worlds amounts to decades, why wait for someone to leave, when we have our destines at our very own hands and can change it, i truly believe that separating from that region Somali state is in our very own best interests, as it will not only safeguard our lands from the encroaching Oromos but it will also give us a Political space to breath from the prison called Ogadenia.

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To be fair, Mustafe Cagjar cabinet has more diversity than Iley one. Buuhoodle, Goldogob and Caabudwaaq community did not get anything. The reagon is big and not only Jigjiga corridor. The region is dominated by D blocks. I agree a fair election will solve the representation issue.

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10 minutes ago, Duufaan said:

To be fair, Mustafe Cagjar cabinet has more diversity than Iley one. Buuhoodle, Goldogob and Caabudwaaq community did not get anything. The reagon is big and not only Jigjiga corridor. The region is dominated by D blocks. I agree a fair election will solve the representation issue.


Jigjiga district is majority Awdal community, Akichu and Jaarso.  Yet he gave 4 ministers from that same area all to one sub sub sub clan of D block namely the road waaq folks? wu ka badbadiyay this time  Mustafe Cagjar.

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Gaashaamo and Cabdi Dubad got nothing so far. 

Saalax, The jigjiga province is 80% Awdal community. jigjiga itself is the capital of the Somali region and the capital of also Faafan (Awdal) region, which it self is illegal and unacceptable Why the capital should serve the sear of two different entities..The are 20 kilometers and surrounding Jigjiga from South. 

I never understand the  greed of most of Somalis. He will  rob you  in a day light in the name of Somaalinilo , steal the resources and the power in the name of tribe, and then have the audacity to talk about unity and justice and Somali brotherhood


I think elections organized by the federal government will be the only solution. My fear is this Long foot people will destroy Somali Galbeed and fragment it in to clan enclaves.





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Spliting the Somali kilil into two and then making a special federal zone is the solution preferred by Oromo. It has been in the works for long time.

Some Illey/new president clan might prefer it. Somalis have been drag on each other when one is looking towards Somalia another looks towards Ethiopia, and then exchange places and do the same for 150 years.

Maybe a lot of people from all Somali tribes are giving up. It has been too high a price to pay.

The main reason for this is there is no Somalia to look up to.


Remember there is no free lunch. The Oromo removed Iley for you (those of you who just wanted Iley removed at any price) and they need to get paid for that service. Since you did not remove him yourself and begged the Oromo to do it for you now is accounting time.





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2 hours ago, Old_Observer said:

Spliting the Somali kilil into two and then making a special federal zone is the solution preferred by Oromo. It has been in the works for long time.

Some Illey/new president clan might prefer it. Somalis have been drag on each other when one is looking towards Somalia another looks towards Ethiopia, and then exchange places and do the same for 150 years.

Maybe a lot of people from all Somali tribes are giving up. It has been too high a price to pay.

The main reason for this is there is no Somalia to look up to.


Remember there is no free lunch. The Oromo removed Iley for you (those of you who just wanted Iley removed at any price) and they need to get paid for that service. Since you did not remove him yourself and begged the Oromo to do it for you now is accounting time.





This is exactly what  I was thinking, it is SOMALIAzation of SOMALI Gableed, you not happy, take your TUULO with you.

Somali Galbeed should never be divided. everyone must be invited to the tent

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